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lesson plans

Play "Stop!" and "Go!"

Suggested Grade Level: Preschool-K

Based on: Barney & Friends #706: "Stop! Go!"

Children can understand stop and go through play. They can relate to these words when they are presented naturally in their environment (such as on a crossing guard's stop sign). Playing games where children stop and go are fun ways to learn about these words.

The children will:
  • learn the meanings of stop and go
  • understand how to stop and go
  • be introduced to the word "opposites"
  • be introduced to the word "antonym"

  • Art
  • Positional words
  • Following directions
  • Gross motor skills

  • Large, open area

Directions: Help children learn the meaning of stop and go by playing this game in a large, open area.

Choose a leader (the teacher, at first). When the leader calls out, Go!, the students can move any way they want (run, hop, skip, tiptoe, etc).

When the leader calls out Stop!, everyone freezes and must hold their positions until the leader calls out Go! again.

Children can take turns being the leader.

Read the story of "The Three Billy Goats Gruff." When the troll stops each Billy goat, students can all shout, Stop! After each goat talks the troll into letting it pass, children can shout, Go! Children will enjoy participating in this interactive story while reinforcing stop and go. Put the story and props (such as Billy goat masks, troll mask and stop and go sign) in the library or dramatic play center so children can continue acting out the story.

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