Puppet Friends
Suggested Grade Level: Preschool-K
Based on: Barney & Friends #710: "A New Friend"
Learning to be a friend involves sharing, taking turns, cooperative
effort, being polite. Playing with others helps children make friends,
cooperate and get along with others.
The children will:
- learn that they can
make friends
- practice social skills
such as using good manners, taking turns, being kind to people
- practice being a friend
- Art
- Social skills: taking
turns, polite manners, being a friend
- Role-playing
- Paper bags (one per
- Markers, crayons, paint
- Glue
- Construction paper
- Yarn
Talk to students about friends. Ask questions such as:
- Tell me about a time
you made a new friend.
- What do you like to
do with friends?
- What makes a person
a good friend?
Give each child a paper bag.
Encourage them to be as creative as possible as they make their "puppet
friend" using yarn for hair, construction paper clothes, and by drawing
or painting a face.
When everyone has completed their puppets, bring the class back together
as a group. Ask for two volunteers to practice introducing his/her puppets
to each other. Suggest they say, "Hi, I'm _____." "What's your name?"
"Would you like to color (or play a game, etc.) with me?" See how many
situations students can create as they each take turns roll playing
with their puppets.
Sing "Ten Little Friends"
While children are sitting in a group, sing this song as children hold
up puppets to represent "friends."
"One little,
two little, three little friends,
Four little, five little, six little friends,
Seven little, eight little, nine little friends.
Ten little friends in my class!"
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