One Nose, Two Eyes...
Suggested Grade Level: Preschool-K
Based on: Barney & Friends #711: "Numbers! Numbers!"
Learning to recognize numbers is a preschool skill that is best taught
through fun songs, rhymes, and games.
The children will:
- practice counting 1-10
- begin to recognize the
numbers 1-10
- Markers, crayons
- Glue
- Construction paper
In a large group, count to ten with the children. Tell them there is
something on your face that you have only "one" of. Can they guess what
it is? (nose, mouth)
Ask if they know of other things they have "two" of. (eyes, ears, nostrils,
arms, legs, hands, feet).
Now, ask if there's something they have "ten" of. (fingers and toes)
Give each child a piece of construction paper. Ask them to draw a picture
of themselves counting body parts as they draw them.
When everyone is finished, ask one child to share his/her picture. The
class can practice counting body parts while looking at the picture.
Play "Hopscotch."
In a large space outdoors, draw a hopscotch board on the ground. Name
and show each number as you write it. Demonstrate how to hop to the
numbers counting along the way. This is a good activity to practice
counting, number recognition and physical exercise!
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