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activities for parents and children

Episode #701 - All Aboard!

Make Flags
Long ago, conductors used flags to guide trains along the tracks. Make a flag by decorating construction paper and taping it to a pencil or dowel rod. Wave the flag just like conductors did in the past.

Train Medley
Sing the following train songs with your child: "I've Been Working on the Railroad," "Down by the Station," and "Little Red Caboose." Add props, such as bandannas, engineer caps, lanterns and gloves to help in pretend play while singing the songs.

Episode #702 - Up, Down and Around!

Fly a Kite
Watch a kite fly up, up, up, and then come down, down, down! Choose a windy day and a large open area to fly a large, diamond-shaped kite. Once the kite is airborne, your child will probably be able to handle it alone.

Parachute Play
Make a parachute, using a sheet or thin blanket. Hold along the edge with both hands. Sing a song or game such as "London Bridge." Lift the parachute up and down while walking in a circle.

Episode #703 - Tea-riffic Manners

Have a Tea Party
Help your child plan a tea party. Make and deliver invitations to friends or stuffed toy friends. Decorate the table with a tablecloth and flowers. Wash the teakettle and cups. Serve a favorite drink and a light snack (crackers, cookies).

Thank You Notes
Fold paper to make a card. Have your child decorate the front. Just a few words inside and maybe your child's signature will be all that's needed to help teach the child how to be thoughtful and respectful by sending a thank you note.

Episode #704 - Puppy Love

Pretend Veterinarian
Help your child gather several stuffed animals. Pretend you are a pet owner with a sick or injured pet. Your child can examine and treat your pet. Additional props that make the pretend play more fun include a bathroom scale, a stethoscope, adhesive bandages and a dog leash.

Pet Picture
Have your child draw a picture of a pet that he/she would like to have someday. As your child describes the pet to you, print his/her words on the picture. Ask questions to prompt discussion. "Where would the pet live? What would you feed it?"

Episode #705 - Bunches of Boxes

"Hickory Dickory Dock"
Help your child create a grandfather clock with a shoebox. Lay the box on a table vertically. On the top third of the box, draw the face of a clock. On the bottom two-thirds of the box, draw a large rectangle with a pendulum hanging down. Recite the rhyme, "Hickory, Dickory Dock."

Box Cars
Remove the top and bottom from a large cardboard box. Use what is left for the car. Attach painted paper plates (headlights, wheels, steering wheel) with brads, and paint the car. Attach a strap on either side of the car to serve as a shoulder harness. Add a "seat belt" by attaching an old belt. (Remember that young children should be supervised when playing with belts.)

Episode #706 - Stop! Go!

Make STOP and GO Signs
Cut a round shape from poster board or other sturdy paper. Print STOP (in capital letters). Have your child color the background red. Tape or glue a craft stick as a handle. Make another sign with the word GO and the background green. Your child will have fun reading or recognizing the words STOP and GO.

STOP and GO To Music
Play various types of music (classical, rock and roll, polka, jazz, reggae, country western) and have your child move to the beat of the music. When the music stops, it's time to freeze. Start the music again and move and dance.

Episode #707 - Red, Yellow and Blue!

Make a Color Collection
Help your child make their very own "Color Collection." Collect toys, socks, clothing, crayons, etc. and put them in piles according to colors. Try to find some things of each color: red, yellow, blue, green, orange and purple.

Colorful Fruit Salad
One day for snack, eat a colorful fruit salad. Mix together red strawberries, orange slices, yellow banana, green kiwi and purple grapes. Help your child identify the colors of each fruit.

Episode #708 - Play For Exercise!

Healthy Snack Picnic
Prepare healthy snacks like carrot sticks, apple slices, celery sticks filled with peanut butter and bites of cheese. Invite your child to help wash, peel, and slice. He/she will enjoy preparing these treats. Pack everything in a basket for a picnic outside. This is even fun indoors on a rainy day or in front of a fireplace on a winter day.

Make an Obstacle Course
Use items from around the house to build an obstacle course. For example:

  • Climb over a pile of pillows,
  • Crawl under a table,
  • Balance walk across a row of phone books,
  • Crawl through a tunnel (make by covering a table with a blanket or sheet)
  • Tiptoe around a small chair.

Episode #709 - Come Blow Your Horn!
Kitchen Band
There are many musical instruments available in your very own kitchen! Try these: tap a wooden spoon on pots, pans or plastic bowls; shake a securely closed plastic container full of rice or beans; tap two spoons together to make an interesting noise; or use old pot lids as cymbals. Experiment with rhythms (fast and slow) and with loud and soft sounds. Play music and play along to the beat of a song.

Move to Music
Play music from a CD or the radio. Encourage your child to move the way the music makes him/her feel. Talk about the differences between classical music, country and western, and rock & roll.

Episode #710 - A New Friend

"Pen Pals"
It's fun for young children to send mail and receive mail. Have your child draw a picture and tell a story about it as you write his/her words on the back. Mail the "letter" to a pen pal (grandparent, cousin, or friend who lives far away).

Friendship Picture
Take a snapshot of your child with his/her friend. Have two copies made - one for your child and one for the friend. Place the photos in simple frames (bought or made from construction paper) to display in a special place.

Episode #711 - Numbers! Numbers!

"One, Two, Buckle My Shoe"
Recite this fun song with your child.

"One, two, buckle my shoe,
Three, four, shut the door
Five, six, pick up sticks
Seven, eight, lay them straight
Nine, ten, begin again!"

Number Search
Go on a number search in your house. See how many numbers you can find. Look for a calendar, clock, telephone or remote control.

Episode #712 - This Way In, This Way Out

Beanbag Toss
Play this fun outdoors game with your child. Draw a circle on the sidewalk (or use a plastic hoop). As your child tosses beanbags, count how many fall in the circle and how many fall out of the circle.

Draw a large butterfly on construction paper for your child to decorate and cut out. Center and staple the butterfly to one end of a 1" diameter dowel (any length). Gently shake the stick so the butterfly's wings flap.

Episode #713 - Spring Into Fun!

Plant Seeds
Fill a clear plastic cup 2/3 full with potting soil. Drop in a seed (lima bean, marigold, and zinnia are good choices) and cover it with more soil. Water lightly. Make sure the cup is placed in a warm, bright area.

Nature Walk
Collect leaves that have fallen from different trees. Look for leaves with different colors and shapes. Help your child count the leaves and name the colors. Collect acorns or pine cones. How many can you find? Notice flocks of birds up in the sky. Listen for the sounds they make.

Episode #714 - Play It Safe!

Beautiful Bandages
Baby Bop had fun covering BJ with bandages. Give your child small stickers to stick to bandages. The next time your child has a "boo-boo" these beautiful bandages will make him/her smile!

Put on a Show
Make puppets with paper bags or paper plates. Your child can retell the stories Barney and his friends told about safety.

"Humpty Dumpty"
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

"Jack and Jill"
Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after.

"Jack Be Nimble"
Jack be nimble,
Jack be quick,
Jack jump over the candlestick.

Episode #715 - Three Lines, Three Corners

Triangle Hopscotch
Using chalk, draw a simple hopscotch pattern on a sidewalk or playground blacktop area, but instead of making squares, make triangles! Encourage your child to think of different ways to jump through the squares. Be creative and make up new rules for playing.

Triangle Lunch
Your child will enjoy eating a triangular lunch! Some suggestions include a triangular piece of pizza or a sandwich cut in half diagonally. Eat a piece of pie for dessert!

Episode #716 - A Parade of Bikes

Bicycle Parade
Help your child decorate his/her bike for a bike parade. Tie balloons to the back of the bike and add streamers to the handlebars. Parade around the neighborhood.

Bicycle License Plate
Help your child write his/her name on a rectangular piece of heavy cardboard. Decorate the edges to make an interesting border. Attach this personalized license plate to your child's favorite tricycle or wheeled toy.

Episode #717 - It's A Happy Day!

Celebrate "Happy Day!"
When you celebrate "Happy Day," your child gets to choose activities for the day that makes him/her feel happy. Greet your child with a hug and kiss in the morning and wish them "Happy Happy Day!" Give your child appropriate choices for breakfast and allow him/her to choose what to eat. Ask what he/she would like to do next. At the end of the day, help your child draw a picture of favorite "Happy Day" activities.

Happy Cutouts
Look through magazines with your child and cut out pictures of people who look happy. Paste the pictures on a piece of paper. Talk about why the people are happy.

Episode #718 - My Family and Me

Family Picture
Provide crayons, markers, or paint and paper for your child to draw a picture of the family. Have your child dictate comments about each family member. This may be a good picture to frame and enjoy for many years.

Cooking Together
It's fun to cook or bake one of your family's favorite recipes together. Even a very young child can add some of the ingredients, stir, pour or measure. Some children may be able to read the numbers on a measuring cup or recipe card. Encourage your child to share the food with your family or with a friend. Young children need opportunities to learn to share and to feel good about themselves.

Episode #719 - Splish! Splash!

Water Flowers
Barney and his friends learned how important water is to flowers (and people!) Everyone felt better after getting a drink of water. Your child will enjoy helping water flowers. If possible, give your child a small watering can (or use a large one with a small amount of water). Help him/her water flowers, bushes and grass.

Stuffed Fish
Put two sheets of 12" x 18" manila or construction paper together. Draw a simple outline of a large fish. Cut out the fish through both sheets of paper. Staple the edges halfway around. Decorate both sides with markers or crayons. Stuff fish with crumpled newspaper. Staple the remaining edges.

Episode #720 - BJ's Really Cool House

Pretend House
BJ had fun making a "really cool house!" Your child can make his/ her very own "really cool house" too! Use a large cardboard box (a refrigerator-sized box is great!) to make a pretend house with a door and windows. Your child can decorate with print, markers, or crayons. Accessories from your house will help make this a fun and creative play experience.

Make a Helper Chart
List a few things your child can do to help around the house. Some examples may include:

  • Picking up toys,
  • Placing dirty clothes in a hamper,
  • Making a bed,
  • Helping set the table,
  • Emptying small wastepaper baskets.

The number of responsibilities will depend on your child's age. Hang the list in your child's bedroom, on the refrigerator, or some other place that's easily seen.

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