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Looking Back back to Coming to America
Children's roof playground at Ellis Island
Children's roof playground at Ellis Island
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Interviewed late in life, Tessie Croce remembered the day she came to the United States from Italy as if it were yesterday, though she was only 15-years-old at the time. After weeks in third-class steerage, she arrived at Ellis Island with her mother, her aunt, and her grandmother.

"Awful. I wouldn't go back for anything in the world . . . So many people! Oh my God! It looked like cattle all over the place. We waited for the medical examination . . . If your eyes were red or something like that, they sent you back."

As an 18-year-old from the village of Paese Gombolo, Italy, Pierina Gasperetti came alone to Ellis Island in 1912. She recalls the confusion that greeted her:

"It was pretty strange for me, with all those people, always those big groups of people . . . [The officials] asked me a lot of questions: Where do you come from? So I told them, 'I come from here and there' . . . They wanted to know all sorts of things: Why did you come to America, how much money did we have? ... They were probably afraid that I couldn't even buy myself a piece of bread."

Illustration: Photo by Jacob Riis, courtesy of the Museum of the City of New York.

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