- Check with a grownup and wash your hands before you begin.
- Make a few shallow cuts in each sausage link so they won't explode while cooking in the microwave.
- Place sausage links in a microwave-safe bowl with 1 inch of water.
- Microwave on high for 2 1/2 to 3 minutes. The amount of time it takes to heat the sausage all the way through may be different because microwaves don't all have the same amount of power.
- Use your oven mitts when you remove the sausage from the microwave, and let the bowl cool for 1 minute.
- Remove the sausages from the water using a fork, and dump the water out in your sink.
- Cut the sausages into bite-sized pieces, and put the sausage pieces in a small bowl.
- Crack the eggs into the microwave-safe bowl. Add salt, pepper and milk.
- Beat the eggs with a fork until the eggs and milk are mixed together.
- Microwave the eggs on high for 1 1/2 minutes.
- Use your oven mitts to take the bowl out of the microwave. Stir the eggs with a fork and microwave another 1 1/2 minutes. Remove the bowl with oven mitts, and stir the eggs again.
- If the eggs are still runny, microwave for another minute or so until they are cooked. The amount of time it takes to cook the eggs may be different because microwaves don't all have the same amount of power.
- Divide the sausage, eggs, and cheese into tortillas.
- Top with salsa. For a Texas twist, try guacamole, refried beans, or hash-browned potatoes in your tacos, too. (Just don't fill them so full that you can't take a bite!)
- Clean up the kitchen before you bite into your breakfast.