Juneau, Alaska's capital, is home to the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center, where Deborah and Brittani learn about glacier movement. Grabbing a kayak and cramp-ons, they adventure out to track recent changes in the Mendenhall Glacier using some high-tech GPS equipment.

Emma and Gracie love to visit the Southeast Alaska Discovery Center in Ketchikan, where they can learn all about the Tongass National Forest-the largest temperate rain forest in the world! Emma and Gracie wonder what conditions help trees grow best, so they investigate growth rates in three different forest environments.
Alaska is a great place for whale watching. Ed Lyman is an expert on disentangling humpback whales that get stuck in fishing nets. DragonflyTV follows Ed as he teaches whale rescue techniques to others, helping save this endangered species one humpback at a time.
And there is Science Secret underneath Juneau that may surprise you...What is it? Hint: A third of downtown Juneau used to be underwater just 200 years ago! Give us your best guess in the Whiz Quiz, just to the right on this page.