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GPS: Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum

location, location, location
The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum is found on 21-acres of desert terrain in Tucson, Arizona. Saguaro National Park West is a desert neighbor.

what’s to see and do?
Part zoo, part natural history museum, and part botanical garden, the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum celebrates the animals, land, and plants of the region. And you can bet the subject is never dull! This is the land of stinging scorpions, Mexican wolves, and the Saguaro-the world's largest cacti. (That's the plural form of the word cactus!) More than 300 animal species and 1,200 kinds of plants live within the museum. And almost 2 miles of paths wind through this amazing desert center, which is mostly outdoors. So when you go, remember to wear appropriate gear!

just for kids
Coati Kids' Club offers membership perks--like free museum admission, special events, a club t-shirt and explorer's pack--for kids ages 6 to 12. The museum's Summer Camps feature some creative classes, including a Nature Illustration course. And its popular Junior Docent program trains curious kids age 12 to 16 on the plants, animals and geology of the Sonoran Desert Region. The Junior Docents then share what they know with others!

visit from home
Check out the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum online at www.desertmuseum.org.

more resources
Go to the DFTV Boards and tell us about your science center visit.
whiz quiz
How does sunlight get into Phoenix's Chase Field stadium?

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