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GPS: Carnegie Museum of Natural History

location, location, location
Carnegie Museum of Natural History is found on the east end of Pittsburgh, just blocks from Carnegie Mellon University. You'll know you're in the right place when you spot "Dippy," the museum's gigantic, life-sized statue of Diplodocus carnegii, named after-guess who?-Andrew Carnegie! Dippy lives just outside the museum, welcoming visitors big and small.

what’s to see and do?
As the existence of Dippy might suggest, the museum is well known for its dinosaur collection. In fact, it's the third largest collection in the world! Currently, many of the dinosaurs are being remounted in more scientifically accurate poses. But the museum still has six dinos on display, including a yet unnamed new species of oviraptor. Dinosaurs are not all that the CMNH, which was founded way-back-when in 1895, has to offer. The museum features 22 halls of exhibits on science topics ranging from anthropology to zoology. Check out the Life of Ancient Egypt, the hands-on Discovery Room, Polar World (devoted to Arctic life), the Alcoa Foundation Hall of American Indians, or the Hillman Hall of Minerals and Gems, just to name just a few.

just for kids
Experience excavation up close at Bonehunters Quarry, Carnegie Museum of Natural History's interactive fossil dig! Attend Camp Earth, a summer science camp for kids, to learn all kinds of things about the planet we call home. Or bring your sleeping bag along for an overnight adventure. Hmmm...ever wonder how scary an Egyptian mummy would be late, late at night?

visit from home
Check out the Carnegie Museum of Natural History online at www.carnegiemnh.org. There's lots of science on this site!

more resources
Go to the DFTV Boards and tell us about your science center visit.
whiz quiz
What makes Pittsburgh's Convention Center "green"?

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