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GPS: Maui Ocean Center

location, location, location
This amazing aquarium is located in Wailuku on the Hawaiian island of Maui. Need we say more?

what’s to see and do?
All of the marine life at the Maui Ocean Center is native to Hawaii. Exhibits modeled after Hawaii's diverse ecosystems feature the unique creatures living in the Living Reef, Turtle Lagoon, Hammerhead Harbor, Discovery Pool, and the Open Ocean areas. Ocean naturalists make regularly scheduled presentations at each of these stations.

just for kids
Wanna see what fish do at night? Kids are invited to sleepover sessions at the aquarium. Summer camp is another option. And for those really motivated by marine science, kids age 15 and over are eligible to apply for internships. Now that's something to aspire to!

visit from home
Aloha! OK, a cyber trip isn't quite like being there, but the MOC is online at www.mauioceancenter.com.

more resources
Go to the DFTV Boards and tell us about your science center visit.
whiz quiz
What is Hawaii doing that no other state is doing?

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