If you visit the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul, there's one stop along the Mississippi you have to make and that's the Science Museum of Minnesota. Here DragonflyTV investigators Maxine and Hannah catch the IMAX movie Stomp before creating their own musical instruments.
Rollerblades, water-skis, Post-it Notes and Snoopy were all invented here! You could say the Twin Cities are invention-central. Right off Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis is The Bakken Museum, named after the guy who invented the pacemaker. DragonflyTV follows Rylee, who uses a myoelectric prosthetic arm, to the Bakken where she explores how the electrical signals in her body help her arm function.
And-in the Grossest Segment Ever!- Paige and Nick check out the Animal Grossology exhibit at the Science Museum of Minnesota before investigating how animals depend on their sense of smell at the Minnesota Zoo.
Meet Twin Cities scientist Laura Tripplet who's an Environmental Geologist-aka Mud Scientist! Laura is researching how humans are affecting the environment and water quality along the St. Croix River, just outside of the Twin Cities. Find out more in the Scientist Profile.
The Mall of America is huge! It's visited by 40 million people a year. But there's something really cool about the mall that most people don't know about...or should we say something warm? How do they heat such a big place-especially when it's only 10 degrees outside? Give us your answer in the Whiz Quiz, just to the right on this page.