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gps: science centers

Science Museums

Lucas, MN | Science Museums
I have been to Science of Minnesota. It Rocks! I like the galaxy-swirling-o-shape symbol it has.

narottam, FL | Science Museums

CJ89, VA | Science Museums
I have visited the Science museum in Boston, Jasmine. It was a nice one!!

LEO, CA | Science Museums
As jasmine said, GO TO SAN DEIGO!!!!!!!!! BYE BYE! LEO

Alyse, KS | Science Museums
I love science! When is a new video coming up?

Carly, MO | Science Museums
Here in Kansas City Missouri we have Earth Works it`s in a cave it talks abut ponds, forests, and dirt. I went there in 4th grade. I'm in 5th grade now though.

SAM, CO | Science Museums
science ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ATUL, CO | Science Museums

walter, IL | Science Museums
will you come to chicago soon

jasmine L., CA | Science Museums
Yo gps i hope you come to sandiego and learn abour museum of man and the zoo Pice out

jhonny, CA | Science Museums
hey come to san diego and visit many science museums. It is a cool city and a cool museum .The museum is called Museum of man there are a lot to learn in side that museum and lot to experiance. I hope you come to sandiego Have fun!!!!!!!!!

wmc, | Science Museums
I have been in every science museum in texas. My favorite one is the nasa space center.

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Aquariums and Zoos
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Science Museums

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