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Nano: Science Museum of Minnesota

location, location, location
The Science Museum of Minnesota is located on the banks of the Mississippi River in downtown Saint Paul, Minnesota.

what’s to see and do?
This museum is jam-packed with science fun. Its Dinosaurs and Fossils Gallery stars an 82-foot-long Diplodocus skeleton, which was discovered by area high school students--proving that kid scientists really do rock! Its Collections Gallery houses almost 2 million objects, including a real-life Egyptian mummy and a two-headed turtle, named Emily! Its popular Experiment Gallery invites kids to roll up their sleeves and with high-octane hands-on activities. And its Big Back Yard exhibit, which is open during the summer, features miniature golf with a science twist. Fore! Did we mention the Science Museum of Minnesota museum has two theaters--an Omnitheater and a 3D Cinema? It even produces its own science movies!

just for kids
There's a class for every kid at the SMM. You can learn to play chess, build an automator puppet, concoct wizard potions, come face-to-face with extreme animals, animate your own anime character, become a junior detective, map the stars in the sky, or build your own kite. These classes are just a few in an impressive list of options. The real challenge is deciding which class is right for you!

visit from home
Check out the Science Museum of Minnesota's Web site at www.smm.org.

more resources
Go to the DFTV Boards and tell us about your science center visit.
whiz quiz
How can you get into space without a rocket?

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