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Want to join in the podcasting fun? Here's the 411 to get you up and running.

Get DragonflyTV podcasts

When you subscribe to the feed, you'll be able download and watch individual DragonflyTV segments. You'll also have new ones delivered to you every week, when they are published.

If you have iTunes, click here to add DragonflyTV podcasts to your playlist:

Or copy and paste this link into a podcasting program, such as Juice:


The Basics

A podcast is a way to download audio or video files over the Internet using RSS feeds. RSS feeds offer free updated content that's sent to your computer. To subscribe to RSS feeds, you use a feed reader like iTunes. Then you can download the files to your video iPod and take DragonflyTV with you wherever you go. Don't have an iPod? No worries. You can download videos to your computer and watch them using QuickTime Player or iTunes.

Download QuickTime Player
Download iTunes

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dragonflytv PBS Kids Go!