PBS KIDS GO!dragonflytv

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Do It
making crystals grab
  • a saucepan
  • a spoon
  • salt
  • water
  • food coloring
  • pieces of string
  • a cup
  • a plate
  1. Bundle your pieces of string at one end with a knot.
  2. Bring the water to a boil, add some salt and a couple drops of food coloring.
  3. Keep adding salt until no more salt dissolves.
  4. Pour the mixture into a cup.
  5. Hang your knot in the salt water and let it sit for a couple of days.
  6. When you come back to it you will have colorful crystals
what happened?
Try the experiment, tell us what happens and watch DFTV for your results! How's it work?

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dragonflytv PBS Kids Go!