PBS KIDS GO!dragonflytv

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Do It
kids looking at sandcastles grab
  • dry sand
  • plastic cups
  • water
  • measuring cups
  • a paper plate
  1. Put one cup of dry sand into each of six cups.
  2. Add no water to the first cup, and one tablespoon to the next, two tablespoons to the next, and so on.
  3. Stir each cup well, then tap it on the counter.
  4. One by one, flip each cup over and lift up the cup. Does the sand keep its shape or tumble down?
  5. Find the right amount of water to make the best sand castles.
what happened?
Try the experiment, tell us what happens and watch DFTV for your results! Which sand castle recipe worked the best for you?

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dragonflytv PBS Kids Go!