Day 3: Disguise Me!

How sneaky can you be?

Ruff and Chet in blimp basket. Fluff Ruffman is next to Ruff.
SPY SOUNDS: Annoying travel problem #17.

Here we are, heading to Chicken Island to find Spot Spotnik, get the Poodle Diamond, and make Charlene happy again!

By the way, you are NOT seeing double. That is FLUFF Ruffman, my stunt dummy.

He can do dangerous things that I don't want to do!

And speaking of danger...

Since we spies face danger every day, we need to hide a lot! Spyhounds, use the Spy Sketcher to make drawings of me in disguise!

Then send them in, and I'll study them for hints.

Hey, a bunch of Spyhounds have sent in pictures, and to you I say, "Thanks!" Those are great ideas for disguises! I'll post some of them, so come back tomorrow to see what you Spyhounds are up to!

Ooh, I think we're getting near Chicken Island. I can't wait to see what it looks like!

Your messages: How to be a good spy

Spyhound messages....