Games Detective Kit The Vault
Super Sleuth Pass
The Codebreaker
This detective device will help you play games, solve mysteries and look up words.

The Vault
Visit the Vault and tell us how you solved the mystery.
Gwen Wright
Gwen Wright
"A good, scientific investigation has to have a specific question and direction -- since the results may be unexpected."

Gwen is one of the best thinkers in her field. When the history detectives started working together, the team quickly learned to rely on Gwen because she always had something important to add to solving the mystery.

When the search for evidence hits a roadblock (and every investigation eventually does) the team relies on Gwen to come up with suggestions and new leads to solving the mystery.

The detective most likely to think outside the box, Gwen is particularly good at organizing clues and figuring out what evidence says.

Even when there's a break in the investigative action, her brain will still be sifting the puzzle pieces in search of solutions.

Case in Point

When Gwen talks about History Detectives, she speaks in terms of connections: links to history, the way the team works together and her role in tying it all together for viewers.

"My understanding of the historian's role has always been that of a history detective -- someone who thinks about different approaches to a question or problem.

"An investigator must have curiosity, determination, and an interest in the past, not just the things that are easy to see."

Take the HD Quiz, find out if you are like Gwen.



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