An ancient Celtic cross
My object is... An ancient Celtic cross
It was discovered by Detective Silver, who is 13 years old and lives in Florida. It is Even older years old and is from Florida.
The coolest thing about it is...
Its a celtic cross and its in Florida i cant figure out how it got here! its roughly 7in. high and 5in. long. if you have any ideas how it got here drop me a line!PLEASE IM STUMPED!!!
Silver's Detective Story:
I was exploring a tunnel under my mina's house and i found a box i took it up to my room and tried to open it. i had to use a crowbar. when it did open a cross was inside. i did'nt know what it was so my mina and i drove up to mosi to talk with the currater she told us it was a celtic cross and that it was 700 YEARS OLD!!!! that things worth a fortune! my mina's house is about 134 years old so you tell me, how did it get there?