Drug abuse. You see it in movies, TV, music, and video games. You hear about it from friends, family, and teachers. Maybe you’ve experienced it first-hand in some way. When it comes to this subject, there’s a lot of information coming at us from many different directions, and it can be hard to figure out what’s true and what isn’t.
Here are just a few of the questions you sent us about drug abuse:
- How many types of drugs are there around the world?
- How do I help a friend that is making very bad decisions?
- How does it feel using them?
- Why are there drugs anyway? And why do people take drugs?
- Am I safe around people taking drugs?
- How can I say “no” to someone who is offering me drugs?
We answer many of Your Questions later in this section.
We’re not here to preach to you (okay, maybe a little), and we know we can’t be there to help you if you’re in the middle of a difficult situation. What we CAN do is give you straight, hard facts about drug abuse so that you have the tools to make careful and informed decisions for yourself. Sometimes the best way to think about something like drug abuse is not to concentrate so much on what’s “right” and what’s “wrong,” but rather, what’s best for you and the people you love.