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Mitchel Musso
Mitchel Musso You know him as Oliver Oken on the Disney Channel’s Hannah Montana...meet 15-year-old Mitchel Musso! He’s moved from Rockwall, Texas to southern California for his acting career, but he still keeps in touch with his old friends and even went back for homecoming recently. Mitchel talked to IML about his brothers, his hobbies, and his new life.

IML: What do you like about playing Oliver?

Mitchel: Oliver is totally girl-crazy, like he’s a nut about girls. Could you ask for a better part? He’s got his two best girl friends. And I get to
wear the coolest clothes.

IML: Who do you hang out with on the set?

Oliver and Miley danceMitchel: I love hanging out with Miley!

IML: What do you do together?

Mitchel: We hang out at her house, go bowling, go to arcades.

IML: What do you think about living in Los Angeles?

Mitchel: I just feel everything here is more exciting, more up to date, more fun. I can go surfing and snowboarding on the same day. But I like to go back. People in Texas are totally cool because they’ve known me all my life.

IML: Is anyone back home jealous of your recent success?

Mitchel: Yes, there’s a lot of drama. I find it hard to deal with. If there’s too much drama, I try to choose my friends better. It’s dumb stuff. Some people were asking for my autograph. I’m like, I’ve known you since I was two!

IML: Did you have a girlfriend when you moved out here?

Mitchel: I did break up with a girl two months before we moved, not because of the move, I had enough, I guess. At this age, you want to go out with your friends and look for girls.

IML: What do you look for in a girl?

Mitchel: I don’t like girls who are shy and I get a lot of random girls, like when I go to the mall, none of them want to come up to me, like are they scared of me! They’re all bug eyed. I’m not looking for anything more than any other guy. I like a good smile. Pretty eyes. She has to be active, like not play-sports active, but she’ll play air hockey, do some pool, go for rides on the Santa Monica Pier. I would much rather have fun with her than do the cool thing.

IML: You have two brothers. Mason is 17 and Marc is 11. How was it working with Marc in the movie Secondhand Lions?

Mitchel: It was great. I mean, you get to work together and your brother is your little brother. It was very natural. And I was freaking out about the other actors, so I didn’t have to freak out alone.

IML: Is your brother Mason an actor too?

Mitchel: No, he’s in a band. Actually, he plays with Miley’s older brother!

IML: How do you like being the middle kid?

Mitchel: It’s great, though the whole part about getting beaten up, that stinks!

Lilly, Oliver and Miley at schoolIML: A lot of actors have causes nowadays. Do you have a cause that you support?

Mitchel: I’m working on a charity event where they build churches in Mexico and I’m raising money for that.

IML: Are you religious?

Mitchel: I don’t know. I guess, yeah. We used to go to church every weekend. In Texas, I was at the church three days a week. They had a skate park and a team for the church. They sponsored people. It was cool. We’ve been to a couple out here, but we haven’t found anything yet.

IML: We heard you were big skateboarder. How’d you get into that?

Mitchel: It’s been one of my all time favorite hobbies since I was eight. This skateboarder, Seamus, lived across the street. He was a major skateboarder. Before he moved out, he gave me a really nice expensive board; it was the coolest board in the world. And he taught me the “Ollie,” a pretty tough skateboarding move.

IML: Have you ever had any skateboarding injuries?

Mitchel: Last pilot season, I broke my arm.

IML: That must have been a bummer!

Mitchel: It had its ups and downs. It was so neat getting a cast. But the down side was I had to wait in emergency all night!

IML: Thanks, Mitchel, for talking with us!

Mitchel: You’re welcome!

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