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Have you ever had a pet that died? How did you deal?
--From Roxy, 12

Here's what other kids had to say:

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"When my bird Tycho died, I nearly cried my heart out. It was the saddest thing that happened to me. We buried her in my backyard. Then I had the idea that we could plant her favorite birdseed around her grave. When I saw that flowers had grown in full bloom, it reminded me of her. I'll never forget her."
--Libby, 12

"My dog Sandy died and I was totally distraught!!! Anyway, I dealt with it by trying to have fun with my friends and keeping my mind off of her. When that didn't work, I cried my eyes out. I also I dealt with it by making a memorial for her."
--Anonymous, 12

"I've had a pet die before. I just rode my bike and cried a lot. About 5 years later every thing was ok but I still had a picture of him. I am still sad but am ok. I have a new dog that is just the same."
--Brittney, 10

"Well, first of all, we had had my dog Greta for 13 years and my dad woke me up on Valentine's day 2 years ago and told me that Greta had died. I started screaming and asking all of these questions. That day we had our school Valentine's day parties and I didn't enjoy it at all. Every once in a while my family still finds us talking about her."
--Laura, 10

"My frog Harry died in 2000. I got him for Christmas and I wished that I didn't get him because when I think about him I feel sad. So if I didn't get him, I wouldn't have felt so sad."
--Sheltse, 10

"You pray & then slowly ease into moving on with your life. It's happened to me 2-3 times. :("
--Kaiti, 10

"I had my best friend over at the time. She helped me not to cry. She has always been my best friend."
--Deborah, 11

"My dog died when I was 7 but we had an unbelievable bond. How'd I deal? I cried for weeks but we got a new puppy and I love him more than anything!!!"
--Alyson, 11

"The day that I came home from school I saw my mom crying her eyes out. Then she told me that my dog Fabio fell down the stairs and died. In the morning my mom woke me up and we got a dog that looked just like my old dog! It was the best day of my life."
--Eden, 9

"When my pet died I cried for the whole day. At first I thought my mom and dad were making it up. I thought I would look out back and my dog Tasha would be there. I was so mad. I couldn't believe this happened to me. The next year we got a brown Lab like Tasha and named it Dillon, but I will never forget my dog Tasha. She was truly man's best friend. I loved her more than anything."
--Tyler, 11

"Yes, I have had a pet that died. Actually, I've had 2. One was my rabbit and another was a hamster. I felt REALLY sad when they died. I talked to my mom about it and she made me feel much better."
--Nicki, 10

"My pet dog died when I was 4 years old. I was very sad."
--Koondas, 8

"Yes I did! I had her for my whole life! She was a cat named Odi. She was really nice! I loved her sooooooo much! I cried a lot but I really tried not to worry! I buried her in my back yard and I visit her every so often. I got 2 new cats but I always know they will never take her place."
--Alayna, 10

"Once my family had a pet rat and I don't know why but it liked to run around in the shower and one day it ran away and was never heard of again."
--Emily, 9

"I did. I had five that actually died. Four fish died and one puppy. I was really sad when my pets died, especially my puppy. I named it Luck and it didn't have any. I want to cry now."
--Denise, 10

"To help you deal with it, remember how much fun you had with it and your pet is NOT GONE, it's just on a lifelong vacation."
--Molly, 10

"About 2 years ago, I had a trailer fire and we lost everything, even my pets. I cried until I ran out of tears. Before the trailer fire, we had already bought a house and then we lost everything. So now I am at home with my new three animals."
--Jill, 11

"I had a couple of pets die because of a dog disease. Rotties (Rottweilers) catch it the easiest. I guess their immune system can't protect them from the disease. Anyway, I cried for almost one full day and after that I still wasn't myself, but you know you're going to have to get over it sooner or later. I know everyone would like you to get over it sooner BUT it's up to you when you want to get over it, ok?"
--Brittney, 12

"When I was 2 my two dogs Seca and Max were not old or harmed in any way but one night while I was sleeping, they died."
--Taylor, 8

"My fish and my dog died. It was very sad!!!"--Rachel

"Yes, I've had at least 3. I felt terrible and today I still feel terrible."
--Aubrey, 10

"I had a pet that died. It was a dog. We named him Rock. I felt sad just like everyone else in my house. We had him for a long time and we found out he was dead when my mom told my brother to go take out the garbage. He went to feed the dog but when he did, Rock did not move. We were really sad."
--Stephanie, 11

"You should try to move on."

"Well, my family comforted me and I got over it."
--Ashley, 11

"I had 2 pets die. The first one was a dog and I cried my HEART out! The second one was a kitten & I just got it, but I didn't really cry!!!"
--Sarah, 13

"I dreamt that my cat came back."

"My poor cat Grant. :{ I miss him SOOOO much. When I found out that he died I lay on the couch and cried. It was a long time ago and it's better now. I got a six-toed cat and a gray cat now. :}"
--Anonymous, 10

"I lost my gerbil Skippy a few months ago. He was about five years old. He had always been really special to me. I don't know why. Maybe it was because he was the older of my twin gerbils and I am the oldest child in my family. I guess I just related to him really well. It was really tough losing him."
--Jazz, 11

"I had a pet cat and he lived with me for about 7 years and died. I cried for months but then I tried not to think about him and think more about my dog (I have a dog). I got over it, but I still care about him so much."
--Ashley, 10

"I felt really sad because it was a tragic accident. I would do anything to get him back!" "I had a cat named Oscar who died. I dealt with it by knowing he wasn't in pain anymore and knowing that he is watching me as I tell you this."
--Becca, 11

"I had a kitten named Calie. She got run over. I sobbed every time I thought about her. My school counselor helped me deal."
--Sarah, 9

"I did nothing. It was a fish that I had for one year. The other one was a bunny that my uncle had."
--Ixi, 12

"I can't remember but I was really sad that my friend's pet died. I would try to cheer her up! If your pet died, I'm sorry for you."
--Danielle, 11

"The first thing I did was go to my room for a good long while. I still cry about it sometimes. It really hurts to lose a pet, but after a while you realize that the animal is in a better place."
--Karen, 9

"When my dog died I was so sad because I had that dog for a long time and it made me so sad."

"When I was 5 I had a dog named Tuffy. It was painful even though I didn't understand."
--Amanda, 12

"Once my dog Spunky had go to the vet at 1:00 AM. It turned out his tummy was stopped up but he was ok."
--Sarah, 10

"I had a cat die. His name was Tigger. He never bit or scratched me my whole life. I miss him very much. He was one of the best pets I've ever had. I will always remember him. I loved him all my life."
--Tina, 11

"I cried for the next 2 days but we got a new puppy and then another and another. They are so cute! Too bad we didn't get to keep all of them."
--Jerica, 10

"When my dog died I was spending the night at my friend's house. The next morning my dad and sister picked me up early. I knew something was wrong. I handled it by talking to people and working through it."
--Sarah, 9

"I have had a pet that died. It was hard to let her go because I knew her since I was 5 minutes old. She died last year. I am sorry to say that I still can't believe that she died a year ago! Seeing her like that was the hardest thing. It is so hard to let family members go."
--Nicole, 11

"Yes, I have had three pets that died and I cried for a little while but then my mom said that it was their time to go and if God wants them to die then I have to deal with it. I still wish that animals would never die, but things happen for a reason, and I think that there is a good reason that things die when they do and people have to deal with it. They deal with it in different ways and that is something people have to respect. I hope that helped."
--Kara, 12

"I talked to my parents about how mature I was and if I could have a dog of my own."
--Anonymous, 11

"I've had three pets die in my whole life!!!:("
--Elle, 12

"Yes, I did. They were both hermit crabs and I loved them dearly. They were my little angels. I cope with it by knowing that they are in a better place. Awhile after Freddy died, I got two more: Sabastian and Flounder. Sadly, Flounder died. Sabastian takes away a little bit of the pain but I still miss him. Never grieve so much that you never want another pet in your life, but the one that you lost. That will only make it worse. After a couple of months try to get another pet. It will help you know that your pet is somewhere better and you should love and care for the new pet just as much as your other one."
--Alicia, 13

"When my dog Alex died, I cried for a few minutes and then I got a new dog. I will never forget about the way my dog died in my lap as I was petting him. I did know that I can always find a way to recover. Now don't get me wrong, I miss him so much, I am just saying I found another dog and he is just as good. I hope this helps if you ever need it."

"I probably don't have what you are looking for because my pet that died was a fish. Even a fish dying is upsetting because I had my fish for about a year and a half and fish usually only live for about 3 or 4 months. When my fish died, it was a week before his birthday (when I bought it). I didn't really cry but I was really upset. To get over it I asked my mom if we could get another fish and she said sure, but eventually that died too."
--Jennifer, 10

"Well it was not really my pet. It was my friend's guinea pig. I said I would take care of it for a weekend. My mom and I went to go shopping and when we came back it was dead. It had cancer anyway."
--Kiki, 13

"Well, I had a pet cat and one day when I went out to find it she was gone. I have no clue why she left."

"I had the experience of having more than 12 pets die. I wish that I could see them once in a while because I cry every time I think of them. Inside I really miss them and I wish I could just hug them once more. It's really sad for me to think of them and most of them were cats and dogs."
--Toni, 10

"My pet gecko (Roxy was her name...isn't that odd) died and I buried it in my backyard. My big brother gave me his gecko but I was still sad. Life does go on and it's ok to remember your pet and to be sad but you have to move on. You will never forget about your pet as long as you remember that it is in a better place where there is no hurt or sickness."
--Lauren, 13

"I had 10 pets and all of them died except 1. His name is Bozzie (Boze) and I still have him. It is sad when your pets die but you got to live with it because everything dies and so will you someday. What I'm trying to say is that it's very sad to see your pets die. They will love you always. They will always be with you in your heart."
--Kaitlyn, 9

"My pet cat died a long time ago. He died in 2001. I'm really sad about it. It really was not my cat. I adopted it but I still treated it like my own. He was a cute orange cat and his name was Pumpkin. I loved him. Over the years I got over it though, it was hard to get over it. The only thing left that I have from him is a picture."
--Michelle, 8

"My pet's name was Coci. He was a Cockatoo and he was my best friend in the whole wide world!!! I felt so bad my eyes got red from crying! I felt really bad for a lot of days but I should let him rest in peace."
--Sisiley, 10

"Well I never actually had a pet that died, but I have some tips: 1) Think of the cool times you had with your pet. 2) Make a sort of memorial for your pet. 3) Write a story, song or poem about your pet. 4) Talk to a friend about how you feel. I hope these ideas work!"
--Emily, 10

"I had a dog that died and I was sad. How can I deal with it?" --Keiya, 9

"My cat died b/c it got hit by a car and I had to put down my dog too, and guess what? They were my first animals. First cat and first dog."
--Amy, 10

"I lost my only dog Ben. I can't stop crying. P.S. dogs are the best!!!!!!!!!"
--Sira, 10

"Of course I was sad, but I did things that cheered me up like shopping and talking to friends or even parents. They can really make u feel better."
--Laura, 12

"I had an animal that died when I was on a trip and my mom was watching my cat named Jazzy. When I came back my mom said my cat was dead. It died because a car ran over it but now I'm over it. I loved her so much. Now I have a new cat named Pepper."
--Kristen, 9

"My pet hamster died yesterday. He lived for 2 years and I was in tears to see him go, but life goes on."
--Beth, 11

"My sister Darcy's horse died about 2 or 3 years ago. She broke her leg and we had to put her down. I feel awful. I try to deal with it by trying to help my sister feel better. We buried her in the pasture by a fence pole. I cry sometimes. I also look at her pictures and tell people about her. She was a really good horse and was nice to me when I was little."
--Nate, 9

"I had a dog that died 2 years ago. I was heartbroken for the longest time. The best way to deal with it is to talk about it, give it some time and maybe after a good amount of time you can get a brand new pet (if your parents let, you of course). That's what we did. My family just got a new puppy and I love her."
--Serah, 13

"Once at about 1:00 AM, we had to take our dog to the vet. I kept hoping he'd be ok and he was ok. I don't know what I'd do if I lost him!"
--Sarah, 10

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