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What types of things do you and your friends fight about? How do you work things out?

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When Friends Fight: Think About It Friends Thinking
Okay, so your best friend has just said something ultra-mean to you...or worse, she's just said something about you to someone else, behind your back. You're angry, and your first impulse is to say something nasty right back to her, or write

Topics on
When Friends Fight:
Make Peace, Not War
Think About It
Talk About It
The Importance of "I'm
Group Fights
Make Up and Move On
Ending Friendships
From the Mentors
Fantastic Fables of Fighting Friends
The Boy Who Needed
The Girl With Two Faces
Attack of the Rival Friend
The Bickering Buddies
her an awful note, or un-invite her to your party.

When we're feeling like this, it's hard to sit down and just THINK. But that's the first thing we should do when we've been fighting with a friend. When we use our mouths before our minds, it usually results in something we'll regret later. Instead, take some time to examine what this fight is all about.

If a friend has suddenly started ignoring you or acting like they don't want to be your friend anymore, it extra-important to think about what's going on before you try to talk to him or her.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

How did this start?
Think about the Who, What, Where, and When of the fight. Who's involved? What happened, and where, and when? How did it happen?

Who seems to have started it?
Don't ask this question as a way of blaming someone. Maybe it seems like you started things off, or perhaps your friend did. It might even seem like neither of you started the fight, or you're both equally at fault. Whatever the answer, it will help you learn more about the situation.

Have any of us done things to make it worse?
What we do or say after a fight begins can make things better or worse. Think about how you and your friend acted after you first began fighting.

Am I mainly angry at my friend for something he did, or am I mostly sad that we're fighting?
Try to sort out exactly what you're feeling. Are you angry? Frustrated? Jealous? Regretful? Do your emotions mostly come from what caused the fight, or the fact that you're fighting in the first place?

Does my friend seem mainly angry, or mainly sad?
Judging by what you see or hear, what are you friend's emotions? Does she seem like she wants the fight to continue, or could she be looking for a way to make up?

Did we have the chance to make things better, but let it go by because we were still too angry?
You may feel like you have the right to stay angry at your friend, and depending on the situation, you just might be. But have you missed chances to heal an important friendship just because you want to hang on to your anger?

Is the thing we started fighting about still worth fighting about, or do we just keep fighting about the fight itself?
Arguments can have lives of their own, and can keep going long after the real reason for arguing has stopped being important. Sometimes fighting friends can't even remember why they first began fighting! Are you and your friend mad at each other just because it's become a habit?

Now that you've dealt with your own thoughts and feelings, it's time to Talk About It.


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What do you do when someone tells secrets about you?
Tell them they're
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        about them.
-- From Leah, 10

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