PBS Kids GO! It's My Life
When Friends Fight

Discussion questions for kids to bring up with adults

Whatever kind of problem you're having with a friend or friends, there's a good chance that your family members have been through the same kind of situation. Here are some questions to help you talk it and get some valuable insight.

What's your definition of friendship?

Did you ever get into fights with friends when you were younger?

What was the fight about? Did you keep being friends, or did you end the friendship?

If you made up, how did you get over the fight?

Did the thing that caused the fight keep giving you trouble later on, or did you solve the problem?

How do you tell the difference between stupid fights and fights about really important things?

Do you still get into arguments with people who are close to you? If so, how do you deal with it?

How do I know when to work hard to patch up a friendship and when to stop being someone's friend?

How can I express myself to my friend(s) without making things worse?

--Let your parents know how much being in arguments with your friends upsets you, and help them understand that you want to do everything you can to make things better.

--You can also ask these questions of an older brother or sister. They've probably been through many fights with friends and can help you understand what's going on.







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