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Tell us about your favorite babysitting experience -- whether you were the "baby" or the "sitter"!

We got so many answers to this question that we ran out of room! Take a look at what others had to say, and send us your response on other topics.


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“My mom, sis, and I went to my neighbor’s house, and I got to feed and play with her 1 year old. He’s so cute! I love taking care of kids!”
--Amanda, 12

“My Mom says I’m still to Young to Babysit. My Cousin is the same age as me{actually 3 weeks younger}and she makes fun of me just because I don't babysit. I know Babysitting is really serious. What do you say? ”
--Erika, 12

“ShiShi (10): I’m sorry. I’m not going to be nasty, and I’m glad you are confident enough to stand up for your opinion. I was still getting baby sat (if that's the past tense) when I was 10, and a lot of times, I know I wouldn't have known how to take care of that. So, it was true for me, and I think it's probably true for a lot of 10 year olds, but it's not a fact, and I shouldn't have said it like it was a fact. Sorry.”
--JS, 13

“I once babysat 10 toddlers with my brother only because there was 10 of them. It lasted 8 hours long I only got 20.00 dollars.”
--Alayna, 11

“I am going to six grade and am scared what should I do.”
--Maricela, 10

“I would love to be a sitter because I love baby & children !!!!!!!!!!!!”
--Lilibeth, 10

“I Can Not Say I Have One. I Don't Babysit Much. But Once When We Were Babysitting At A Parent Conference This One Kid Put A Wooden Toy Near A Power Outlet And It Lit On Fire! When All Of A Sudden The Roof Sprinklers Came On! Everyone Went Around Screaming And Running And Picking Up Kids. It Was Scary At The Moment Buy It Was A Lol Moment Later With Ma Peeps A.k.a. Friends xD.”
--J-dog, 11

“Hello my name is Tiffany and my mums a child minder and I love to work with children I live in Blackpool north shore and I can babysit on Saturdays and holidays because on Fridays I go to sea cadets and I like it loads please let me look after your children because I would love to have experience for when am older please. Yours sincerely Tiffany xx.”
--Tiffany, 13

“How Can I get a Job Babysitting to make some extra money?”

“I am the sitter and my favorite is when I found out that I was doing a great job and they called me the best babysitter ever and gave me a hug.”
--Emmy, 13

“My favorite baby sitting experience is when my baby sitter took me to the fair.”
--Rashaad, 11

“I was the babysitter. I have so much fun when I babysit once a month. I do it for free at the adult girl scout meetings.”
--Samantha, 11

“I had to babysit my baby brother when my mommy had to wash her eyes.”
--Mara, 9

“I’m not a babysitter. I want to be one to get more money to buy things I want or need. It would also be helpful to the parents. It would help them a lot and I love to help! Only sometimes though. Bye!”

“I like to Baby sit but once I babysat my cousin for about 3 hours he got on my nerves so much I thought I was going to loose it I almost thought that he was going to sit and watch a movie so that I could sit for about 30 minutes but about 2 minutes into the movie he ran over to me and said lets go get on the trampoline so we did and I was so happy when My Mom got there.”
--Holly, 12

“Babysitting is awesome you get money & play with kids! ”
--Olivia, 11

“I was the baby sitter it was fun but it was hard work it takes a lot of responsibility to do it.”
--Lashariae, 10

“I love to babysit I charge at least 5 dollars an hour per child.”
--Madylon, 11

“I have to babysit my baby brother when my parents are asleep. And I get a lot of money because he is only 7 mons. Old. I started when he was 4 mons. Old and my parents trust me to be careful and not to drop him. Also I babysit him when my dad goes outside to do work. One time one of my friends helped me and our treat is she got to go to my church that night.”
--Brooke, 11

“I was the sitter and my sisters was the baby. By Caitlyn H.”
--Caitlyn, 10

“Lori: When did I say that you can’t have your own opinion. I respect your opinion I just don't agree. And also I’m “Taking it out" on Noneofyourbuissness ‘cuz he/she sounded harsh when he/she said “Your not responsible enough" Why is it so wrong 2 stand up 4 myself.”
--ShiShi, 10

“I sometimes help my mommy take care of my little sister Charlotte and I watch out for her.”

“I love kids under 03months 2 4years.”
--Laneishsa, 13

“ShiShi: Who ever said you couldn't babysit. Nobody's stopping you! Go ahead! :P.”
--Lori, 11

“Once, I was sitting my two year old cousin. She accidentally wet herself and in a low tone she said: I don’t know if mommy put me on the pull-up.”
--Aizha, 10

“I babysat my sister when I was 9. I loved it and the best part was I had some extra money to spend. That’s why I am looking for a job as a babysitter.”
--Maranda, 10

“What's wrong with 10 year olds babysitting?? One of my classmates(Jeannette)who is 10 started a babysitting business with her friend.”
--Rachel, 10

“I agree with Shishi!! I’m 1O and I babysit twins!!!!! I do a really good job, and I enjoy it!!!!!!!! The twins also give me a really good laugh!! ”
--Elizabeth, 10

“I was the sitter. It was horrible! ”

“I was the sitter and I baby sat my little sisters it was a bit of a challenge but it all went fine.”
--Tia, 11

“I love babysitting because I get paid every Friday me and my niece Aisha.”

“I baby-sit twins [KAITLEN & LYNDSAY]and they are adorable!!!!!!! I go over to they're house and just look at them and they start laughing!!!! It's ssssoooo cute!! I love baby-sitting!! ”
--Lizy cl, 10

“One time me and the kids that I babysit had a water balloon fight. It was really fun.”

“I babysit this little girl she’s 4 and is SPOILED ROTTON! This one time there were no hot dog buns so I had to give her bread instead of a bun. She threw a HUGEE hissy fit so I finally found a hotdog bun. But it was completely frozen! So I told her I could thaw it out. But NOOOOO She stood in front of the microwave and demanded that I gave it to her. So I did. And she ate it frozen. I HATE babysitting her. But my trick is if you REALLLYY don’t want to do a lot of work, make a movie day! It’s great! You sit there and watch movies with them :P.”
--Kirstie, 13

“I have never babysat before but I am going to soon and I am looking forward to it!!”
--Ashlan, 10

“Can you help me babysit.”

“I babysit these super rich couple and one night they came home just a little tipsy and they paid me $500 for working only an hour!”
--Sandra, 12

“One time I was rollerblading with hunter and he peed his pants.”

“I babysat a baby once.”
--heather, 9

“I used to babysit a little boy named Alex. He was so cute, and always made sure to carry with him a toy when we left the house. Alex would drop the toy whenever he saw a woman he liked, and most often it was a blond. Anyway, I didn't catch on for a while, but it was hilarious once I did.”

“When I was a baby my older sister Elaine had to keep an eye on me while my mom and dad were at a party. I accidentally ripped Elaine's skirt and then played tug-o-war with Mom and Dad's bedroom curtains. Elaine had to clean up all of my messes. Now that I’m older I will learn to clean up after myself.”
--Maxine, 12

“I was babysitting theses 2 kids and we went to the water park and we had such a blast it was so much fun to see the kids having fun.”

“My favorite time was yesterday!!! I watched my brother and got to watch T. V. With him all day.”

“We play games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“I had to babysit my sister's kids when they was little.”

“Yes I’m a guy. But the job pays well. $6.00 an hour. And who doesn’t love little kids? They’re so cute. Plus when they’re asleep you can watch TV. It’s fun. It really is. But sometimes I wished I charged more. Oh, and whoever gets $400.00 a month… U go girl!”
--Grant, 10

“Well, sometimes babysitting can be so hard and annoying. I have to baby sit for 3 BOYS! They mess up my room, waste my makeup, hide or destroy my toys, and pour stuff on the bed AND I have to clean it all up! Other times it's nice to babysit when they’re sleeping or watching a movie. I get paid $30 per week.”
--Diana, 10

“Yes I am 13 and looking for a babysitting job. Please take me into consideration and hope I will be hearing from you soon.”
--Shantia, 13

“I like to play with kids and I like to cook and sing to kids.”
--Frances, 8

“I was the baby a few times ok this is the baby story my babysitter Erica Ha I ran all over her but when I was the sitter for my cousin Alexis who was 2 it was like getting a rash on your BUTT while you’re swimming...”
--Yessica, 9

“Every time I babysit me nieces they LOVE it! We get all of their neighbor friends over and we all play together ITS FUN!!”

“The thing I love best when babysitting is you really interact with the child and they look up to you and aren’t frightened of you at all and that’s what it should be like!!”
--Gemma, 13

“I have been the sitter and the baby. I sat for these adorable twins and a five year old.”

“Well one of my fav. Babysitting experience's was when I got to go to a carnival with them it was so much fun but one of the kids I was babysitting for threw up all over his sister. But it was fun!!!!!!”

“Hey! Babysitting is fun, and A Good Tip is, Be Nice to them And They Will LOVE You Back!!!”
--missy, 11

“It cool to babysitting.”
--Bethany, 11

“I was the sitter and the good thing is was that the kids were good! Yay! * sigh* good old sweet bribery!”
--Miss Green Day, 12

“I babysat my 2 nephews and niece? Iv had 2 years of experience.”
--Angela, 22

“I baby sat with my cousin she was 3 years old and with her brother he was 6 years old.”
--Rachel, 10

“Ok, 1 time my babysitter katherine wanted 2 take my sisters and i to the park and when we came back the babysitter forgot that she didn’t have the key 2 our house so katherine called her friends and they said 2 check if a window was unlocked so then after a few minutes she found a downstairs window, but she and my other sisters were 2 big but then i desided 2 try and go through the window and what would you know i fit so katherine held me so i wouldn’t fall and then the next thing you kneweverybody was inside and katherines friends had gone and my parents had just pulled into the driveway.”
--Beth, 12

“Anyone under 12 is TOO young to babysit!”

“I love it because I baby sit my niece.”
--Noemi, 8

“I really like babysitting because you get to be home alone and you’re in charge.”
--Amber, 9

“Vary responsible.”

“I babysit for my neighbors, a 9-year-old girl and a 6-year-old boy. It's awesome! They're both really nice and well-behaved, and I have a lot of fun babysitting them.”

“Once I babysat my nieces (Lily who is 4 and Mia who is 2. ) .”
--Emma, 10

“I want to babysit and I’m staying with my grandma for the summer in Lenoir, North Carolina.”
--Brittney, 12

“To Elaine (10) : Sometimes parents get responsibility and age confused and assume that younger kids are less responsible. In order to prove to your mom that you are old enough to babysit, you first need to show her that you're responsible enough. Ask her about enrolling in a community babysitting course for kids so that you know the basics. You can also talk to your mom about how you'll handle certain situations (make sure not to complain!) that may come up when you're babysitting. If you haven't already done so, ask your mom if you can stay home alone for a short period of time (less than an hour) every now and then so that you can get used to staying alone with kids. You can even become a “Mother's helper" for another family, which is when you babysit kids with a parent in the home and then eventually move on to the big thing. Don't be afraid to clear up anything you're unsure of. If your mom realizes that you're responsible enough to handle the job regardless of age, she may consider letting you have a chance to babysit!”
--Amelia, 11

“I really like to babysit but no one will ask me.”
--Ariel, 13

“Once I had to babysit a household of 5 children for 7 whole hours. But I did it, somehow, it kinda helps when u create a good bond with the children your babysitting, let them know u care and ur not just there to make money. Then see how things work out.”

“I watched my baby cousin Abby and it was fun, I had to play with her and clean up after her and feed her I had to run after her and that’s all.”
--Ryan, 9

“I only hate too babysit when the baby isn't old enough to talk. If the babysitting isn't a paying gig, I'll have an attitude the whole time. One time I babysat my little cousin She cried and cried and cried!!!! I didn't know what to do. It turns out she was hungry!”
--Malia, 13

“Am a good girl I give food to the child! Help out with any homework or problem!”

“How old do you have to be to babysit.”
--Ellen, 12

“Once when I was seven I baby-sat my baby cousin. His name is Jeffery. He is one year old now. When I babysat him we pretended that we were going to the zoo, but it was hard to get him into the (Pretend) car. But then when I told him we were going to the zoo then he calmed down.”
--Michelle, 8

“I was the babysitter. It was pretty easy. I was in my early 12s and I was babysitting my friend's brother. He was in his 3s. The only reason my friend didn't babysit was because I had more experience.”
--Danielle, 12

“The first time I ever sat was when I was 11 my parents didn’t trust me sitting and child of 18 months but I proved them wrong I did my job so great the mother of that baby gave me a bonus I got 60$$$.”
--Jannique, 12

“I was the baby. My cousin babysat me. I was a good girl.”
--Danielle, 12

“Me and Ashly, she was 5, I was watching her had popcorn all over the floor and her mom was mad!!!!".”

“JS I usually respect your opinions, but it hurt my feelings when you and a lot of other people said 10 year olds can't babysit because they're not responsible enough, I’m 10 and a half and very responsible and have a lot of experience. If you don't know someone, you can't know how responsible a person is. It really hurts me. ( you can send a nasty response, but It's my opinion and I’m not afraid to say what I think. ).”
--ShiShi, 10

“When my sister was in the kitchen she fell and slipped.”
--Taylor, 12

“Kathryn: We didn't say that everybody that was 10 or younger wasn't responsible, but sometimes they should be older than 10, and don't take it out on Noneofyourbuisness, because I’m the one who started it, and you shouldn't get all upset about it.”
--Lori, 11

“Kathryn: Also I think that 9 is too young to babysit.”
--Lori, 11

“ShiShi: Why is everybody taking it out on Noneofyourbuisness??? He/She didn't start it. I did! So just stop it, and we never said that ALL 10 year olds couldn't babysit. Gosh!!! Why does everybody take things so seriously?”
--Lori, 11

“Well, :) My fav babysitting experience was I was watching a baby boy and the whole 6 hours he slept. That means he play for 2 hours and went to bed the rest of the day and I was paid $50 dollars for just sitting there and watching T. V.”
--Charisse, 11

“I think it would be fun.”
--Renee, 9

“I just took the Canadian Red Cross babysitting course and passed it. I got my resume/flyer done and still haven't posted it. I babysit my little cousins when they come over and that helps me gain experience. That's all!”
--Parth, 12

“When I was about seven my sister and her friends babysat me. We made cookies and well it got a little smoky, and I ran around the house screaming!!!! LOL.”
--Sydney, 10

“Kathryn and ShiShi: People can have their own opinions!”
--Lori, 11

“Making babies laugh.”
--Maryjane, 13

“My brother has an aquarium of 1, 360 goldfish. Once, while mom and dad were at a meeting, all the goldfish suddenly leapt out the window! Ha-ha! And my brother was grounded because a neighbor called to complain about dead goldfish in his garden. Ha-ha-ha!”
--Rachel, 11

“I still have my babysitter. Her name is Bethany. She is 17. She is very nice. She lets me watch TV a little too much but still she is very very very very nice!!!”
--Kayla, 9

“I babysit once every week and I get $10 an hour for 2 kids. I usually babysit for 4 hours. I have $40 when I leave. But it is a lot of work!!!”
--Katey, 13

“I have a baby cousin and I want to watch him, only I don't know how! Can you help me very much?...Please?”
--Hannah, 8

“Hey everyone, it wasn’t that long a go the baby sitter came. She came in her nightclothes. Ten mins latter we start to dance.”
--Kiara, 11

“I have been the baby and the sitter. When I was the baby I either had family babysit and they never got money or we had a friend 'sit and they got 5 dollars an hour. Now when I 'sit for my little sisters I don't get paid but when I 'sit for my cousin I get 3 dollars an hour.”
--Luna, 11

“Once I was a sitter for the most annoying twins ever! They were 4-year-old BOYS! They DISTROYED my most prized doll collection!!!!! For 2 hours s straight, all I heard was......SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY (it got SUPER irritating) .”
--Ashlee, 13

“I love to babysit!!!”
--Lauren, 13

“Well I love babysitting kids. I think that children can make u have fun even as a teenager. I have a great time babysitting, mostly my cousins. The best experience I had so far was babysitting my baby cousin for the first time. If u thought babysitting 6 years old was hard, imagine a 5-month-old baby! But it is still fun! :).”

“I watch my sister's friend who is 7 and I would love to babysit younger children...”
--Taylor, 13

“I watch 3 girls down the street for 3 dollars an hour.”
--Demi, 10

“I have been babysitting my little brother and my friend’s little sister and brothers since I was 11 years old.”

“I get money every two weeks. I get $1.50 per kid and per hour. Some of you say it hard babysitting and it is hard.”
--natty, 11

“I have babysit my cousin she is 4 and I love to babysit her, and I know that I will love to babysit your little sister, cousin, baby brother or friend.”
--Yazmin, 13

“Babysitting is fun and a easy way to make 30$ each time I do it.”
--Maddy, 11

“Okay, I’m really want to babysit but my mom thinks I’m too young. I always try to change her mind, but it doesn’t work. How can I babysit if my mom holds me back?”
--Elaine, 10

“One time I had to keep an eye on my baby brother Spencer while Mom and Dad took Grandmother and Grandfather to the train station. Spencer once tossed a ball at my kittycat named Boo and it clunked him on the head.”
--Rebecca, 11

“I love to babysit and I have a p. B so write.”
--Kenya, 10

“When my babysitter did a movie night and let me choose 4 packs of Oreos I got to stay up until 3:00 A. M. It was fun.”
--Shanna, 12

“I just baby-sat these three kids(Haley, Julia and Leeam) and it was sooo much fun! I got paid 10$ an hour!”
--Sara, 12

“I babysit everyday, 5 days a week, for one of my mom's friends. She pays me $400.00 a month. So it pays well and I love the little boy. His name is Josiah. :).”

“I get 100.00 dollars per hour.”
--Kathryn, 12

“I take care of my two year old brother and I was saying to myself I’m so mature and that I was better than him. Then I gave him a shower and I was putting the pants first than the pamper and he told me that it was wrong. Ever since then I never thought I was so mature.”
--Jackie, 9

“I’ve been taking care of my little sister ever since I was 6 and some times I get money for it but my mom said I have to be 12 for her to leave the house and really be comfortable with it.”
--Valerie, 9

"The first time I ever babysat was the best I had a lot of kids to watch 2 of my godbrother and my brother and sister I thought it will be hard but I loved it from that day own I wanted to babysit since they know me they trust me. And I was very nice I did not yell at all it was one of the best days of my life ‘cause I felt so mature 'cause I can take care of kids.”
--Sul-tannah, 12

“I am the sitter of 2. They are 7 and 4. They don't like to listen either. But it's worth it because I get 10$ a day.”
--Miranda, 10

“My favorite babysitting thing is I don't babysit crying babies.”
--Shantell, 12

“I just wanted to remind all you guys & girls that babysitting is not about the money it's about the kindness you show to that family. Remember, “What goes around comes around". :).”
--Victoria L

“I have 8 siblings (Bradely Dane18, Donna Joe15 Stephanie judeth10, Mike Wayne8, Danielle Jean6, Michelle Elizabeth4, Jane Merideth1, Peyton Mathew1mo., Dane Thhomas Wayne1mo. ) and my parents Leo Wayne and Piper Marie. But I babysit my little siblings a lot and it is very fun. But sometimes they are really a handful.”
--Stephanie, 10

“Well I was reading through these and got very upset because someone said that 10 year olds are not responsible enough to babysit yet but disagree because I just turned 10 except I've been babysitting since I was 9. Also I think it is mine my parents and my clients decision of whether or not I’m responsible enough not noneofyourbuiness's. Just because we're younger than u doesn't mean ur more responsible than us.”
--Kathryn, 10

“I've babysat my sister, god brothers and sister, cousins, family friends kids, and students at daycares. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and trust me it’s a lot of work but at the end of the day your happy wit ya pay and that you have spend a day wit lil cute, sweet kids. I’ve watched ages from the start of their first months though - eleven years old.”
--diamond, 13

“I remember when I was 6 years old and my little sister was 2. (this was before my little brother was born. ) and both of my big sibs had moved out by then. So we had to have a babysitter come to our house and it was like so fun!! LOL.”
--Nikki, 11

“I wanted to babysit - it would be a good way to make money. I wasn’t old enough and before I could take my classes, I did something stupid. I saw “When a Stranger Calls". It creeped me out so bad that I don’t think I'll be babysitting for a while!”
--Leilani, 13

“Noneofyourbuisness: That is exactly what I said, and I so agree with you and JS.”
--Lori, 11

“One time I was babysitting and someone came to the door and the door was locked. I didn’t know who it was so I didn’t answer. They stayed there and didn’t leave, so I started to get scared but I didn’t mention it to the kid. Finally the mom pulls up in the car and walks in with the man that was out there and it turned to be the dad. I felt so stupid.”
--Mandy, 12

“I <3 to babysit kids and one time I brought sparkly markers and it kept them busy for hours.”
--Maddie, 12

“Why do some babysitters send you to bed earlier than you usually go to bed at?”
--Skylar, 11

“I hate babysitting but it pays for my needs. I get $10 an hour 6 hours $60. I love my little sister when I baby sit her.”
--Cipreis, 13

“I like to babysit a lot. I have babysat for 3 years now. It has been a great experience for me because now my mom is having a baby so I will know everything and I will be babysitting a lot now.”
--Bryttanee, 13

“I babysit all the time but not like this one night a rainy night my mom and dad went to bingo me, my sister where left a drip fell stop what happened next.”
--Marissa, 9

“I babysit my 2 little cousin for 35 dollars a week...............”
--Larilyn Bell, 13

“I started babysitting when I was 11 I babysat 2 babies a 1 year old and a 3 year old I love working with little children it’s like being a mom because u began to love the kids even more and u realize I don’t want them doing the same thing I did growing up so u teach them what is right not what is wrong. It is stressful I have a house full of babies from 8-5 every day of the week my only day off is Sunday and I told my mom I said I am going to be stressed out before I even start babysitting and I was.”
--Emily, 12

“I like babysitting my cousin. I babysit my cousin whenever I go to Baltimore. We play hide & seek. My cousin name is Nicera she is the best. !!!!!”
--Ameria, 10

“Babysitting stinks when you have competition in the neighborhood. See I have this guy in the neighborhood and he is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo a hottie and he and me are competing for this job!”
--Strawberry, 11

“Last year I got $100 from a man who had 5 kids!!”
--Collin, 9

“I get ten dollars for babysitting.”
--Artisha, 12

“My first baby sitting is when I pretend to do a baby sitting program and I like to raise money so some of it could go to the charity and the rest to me when my experience was when I pretended to babysit a girl named Allysa.”
--Emma, 8

“I love babysitting, I have a lot of experience, and the kids love me.”
--ShiShi, 10

“I have never babysat...”
--Sarah, 11

“I was watching over these twin