PBS Kids GO! It's My Life
Making Money: Advertising and Promotion

Even the very best moneymaking idea can fail if nobody knows about it, so you’ve got to let people know about the service or product you’re offering. This is where promotion and advertising come in, and also where the adults in your family can really help out. Ask them to help you brainstorm ways to let people know about your product or service. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Word of mouth: One of the easiest (and cheapest) ways to let people know that you’re trying to make some money is to just spread the word. First, get your parents' help by talking to people they know in the community or at work. Then, tell your friends at school, mention it to your neighbors, and alert local relatives. Doing a really good job or selling a really good product will also help, because people will recommend you to others. Hopefully, the buzz on your business will spread like wildfire.

E-mail: This is the online version of word of mouth. Ask a parent to help you write up an e-mail explaining how you plan to make money, and send it to anyone you think might be interested. You may also want to figure out a way to phrase your e-mail’s subject so that it doesn’t look like spam! For example, you might write in the subject line, “From Jessica, about her babysitting services.” Make sure to ask those people to forward the e-mail to others so it will reach the widest possible audience.

Flyers: Using a computer, marker, or any graphic tools you like, make an eye-catching one-sheet flyer promoting your business or product. Cut and paste cool graphics, and include all the important information, including (if a parent approves) your e-mail address and telephone number. Staple, tack, or tape your flyers on bulletin boards at community centers, at school, and in the window of any business where the owner says it’s okay.

Business cards: By hand or with a computer, make business cards to hand out to people you meet. Make sure they have all the most important information, like your name, business, and how people can get in contact you.

Ads: If you have a little money, you can place an ad in a local newspaper describing your product or service. You might also be able to find smaller papers that will let you advertise for free, like a school paper or the newsletter at your place of worship.

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