PBS Kids GO! It's My Life
IML Quick Discussion Guide: Volunteering

Prior to using this Quick Discussion Guide, you and your child may want to do any or all of the following activities on "It's My Life":

  • Read the "Volunteering" article.

  • Work together to come up with a "You Said It" submission for this topic.

  • Print out the IML Journal page “Volunteering” and/or the “Volunteering” Crossword Puzzle. Complete together or encourage your child to complete on his/her own.

Discussion Questions:

  • Are there people in our community who you think could use some help? What do you think we might do to help them?

  • What else do you see in our area, or the world in general, that could use improvement?

  • What talents and skills do you have that you think you could apply towards volunteer work?

  • Do you want to talk about how we, as a family, can be more involved?

  • Would you be willing to go on a volunteer project during our next vacation?

  • What could we do at holiday time to help less fortunate families?

--If given the opportunity, most kids enjoy helping others, and volunteering can help kids grow into caring, responsible adults.

--Volunteering as a family is a great way to spend quality time together while doing good deeds.

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