Tight Times

LeVar visits a pet show and discovers all kinds of unusual pets, including pet rocks. He explains that even during "tight times" there are all kinds of ways to have fun and that working together and using imagination are what is important.

Review books
Tight Times Feature Book:

Tight Times

A little boy wants a pet at a time when his family is having financial trouble and must hold the line on expenses.

Author: Barbara Shook Hazen
Illustrator: Trina Schart Hyman
Publisher: Viking Penguin



Review Books
The Terrible Thing that Happened at Our House

The Terrible Thing that Happened at Our House

A young girl relates the terrible problems that occurred after her mother went to work, and how her family worked together to solve them.

Author: Marge Blaine
Illustrator: John C. Wallner
Publisher: Scholastic

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When I was Young in the Mountains

When I was Young in the Mountains

A woman reminisces of her childhood, when she lived in the mountains. She remembers her grandmother making corn bread, trips to the swimming hole, and excursions into town. She also remembers her grandfather coming home each day from working in the coal mines. Her special memories of growing up in the mountains describe a particular way of life.

Author: Cynthia Rylant
Illustrator: Diane Goode
Publisher: Penguin

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Pet Show!

Pet Show!

Archie and his friends are on their way to a neighborhood pet show when Archie's cat disappears. Luckily, he captures a germ just in time to enter the contest.

Author: Ezra Jack Keats
Illustrator: Ezra Jack Keats
Publisher: Simon & Schuster

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