Louis the Fish

LeVar goes on an exploration of exotic marine life, tide pools, and dolphins while he explains that pretending to be someone else can be exciting and can also be a way of discovering how wonderful it is to be yourself. LeVar visits the New England Aquarium in Boston, Ma, and the Aqua Circus of Cape Cod where trained dolphins Dixie and Dolly reside.

Review books
Louis the Fish Feature Book:

Louis the Fish

This whale of a tale is about a butcher who yearns to be a fish and turns into a salmon.

Author: Arthur Yorinks
Illustrator: Richard Egielski
Publisher: Farrar, Straus & Giroux



Review Books
Where the Wild Things Are

Where the Wild Things Are

Max is sent to bed early for misbehaving. Once there, he imagines that his room turns into a far away forest, where wild things live. Max meets interesting creatures who love him, and he becomes their king. When he returns to his bedroom, he finds his supper waiting there for him.

Author: Maurice Sendak
Illustrator: Maurice Sendak
Publisher: Harper Collins

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One Monday Morning

One Monday Morning

A child's daydream takes him to one Monday morning, when the king, the queen, and their entourage come to his New York City apartment to visit him.

Author: Uri Shulevitz
Illustrator: Uri Shulevitz
Publisher: Simon & Schuster

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A Fish Hatches

A Fish Hatches

Photographs and text describe the life cycle of a trout from the laying of eggs in a hatchery to maturity. Examines how the senses of fish work, how they swim, and how they breathe.

Author: Joanna Cole and Jerome Wexler
Publisher: William Morrow

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