Liang and the Magic Paintbrush

LeVar explores how art is integrated into many aspects of the Chinese American culture. He takes a trip to New York City's Chinatown and visits with an expert of Chinese calligraphy, a stonecarver who makes LeVar a name stamp, and a gourmet Chinese chef. He also takes viewers to the New York Institute of Technology where he is shown how to use computer graphics to create art. Then LeVar participates in a Chinese parade.

Review books
Liang and the Magic Paintbrush Feature Book:

Liang and the Magic Paintbrush

Taken from an old Chinese legend, a poor boy who longs to paint is given a magic paintbrush that brings everything he paints to life.

Author: Demi
Illustrator: Demi
Publisher: Henry Holt



Review Books


Motivated by a birthday gift, a seventy-two-year-old woman buys paints and brushes and begins to paint.

Author: Wendy Kesselman
Illustrator: Barbara Cooney
Publisher: Dell

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If You Take a Pencil

If You Take a Pencil

A counting book that leads the reader on a fantasy journey created by a drawing pencil.

Author: Fluvio Testa
Illustrator: Fluvio Testa
Publisher: Penguin

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Ben's Trumpet

Ben's Trumpet

Ben wants to be a trumpeter, but only plays an imaginary instrument until one of the musicians in a neighborhood night club discovers his ambition.

Author: Rachel Isadora
Illustrator: Rachel Isadora
Publisher: William Morrow

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