Gila Monsters Meet You at the Airport

LeVar learns more about the West when he joins a biologist who shows him the Arizona desert and tells him about the plant and animal life—and he learns just what Gila monsters are.

Review books
Gila Monsters Meet You at the Airport Feature Book:

Gila Monsters Meet You at the Airport

A New York City boy has some preconceived ideas of life in the West and they make him very apprehensive about the family's move out there.

Author: Marjorie Weinman Sharmat
Illustrator: Byron Barton
Publisher: Scholastic



Review Books
Mitchell is Moving

Mitchell is Moving

A dinosaur's exuberance about moving cools considerably when he realizes how much he misses his next-door friend.

Author:Marjorie Weinman Sharmat
Illustrator: Jose Aruego and Ariane Dewey
Publisher: Simon & Schuster

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Peter's Chair

Peter's Chair

Peter puts up with his family painting some of his old things pink, but when they want to paint his chair pink for his new baby sister, Peter runs away. The chair is his, and he doesn't want his sister to have that, too – until he discovers that he has grown too big for the chair. Once home, he sits in the grown-up chairs and offers to help paint his old chair for his sister.

Author: Ezra Jack Keats
Illustrator: Ezra Jack Keats
Publisher: Harper Collins

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The Big Hello

The Big Hello

A little girl adjusts to her new life in California with the help of her doll, who makes her feel safe as she moves into a new house, gets a new dog, and meets a new friend.

Author: Janet Schulman
Illustrator: Lillian Hoban
Publisher: William Morrow

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