The Gift of the Sacred Dog

LeVar visits the Crow Agency in Montana and observes a special ceremony of the Old Elk family. He shows viewers how contemporary and traditional Native American life and traditions meet. Viewers also learn that some words we use have Native American roots.

Review books
The Gift of the Sacred Dog Feature Book:

The Gift of the Sacred Dog

This Native American legend is about a boy who brought the gift of horses to his people, and the significance of the horse to the Plains Indian.

Author: Paul Goble
Illustrator: Paul Goble
Publisher: Simon & Schuster



Review Books
Moonsong Lullaby

Moonsong Lullaby

As the moon moves across the sky, it observes the activities of an Indian camp and of the natural phenomena surrounding it. This lullaby story is inspired by ancient stories and the author's own feelings for the natural world as his Native American ancestors knew it.

Author: Jamake Highwater
Illustrator: Marcia Keegan
Publisher: William Morrow

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Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears

Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears

This West African folktale describes a chain reaction among the animals, which causes Mosquito to adopt another habit when she gives up telling tall tales.

Author: Verna Aardema
Illustrator: Leo and Diane Dillon
Publisher: Penguin

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Suho and the White Horse

Suho and the White Horse

This legend from Mongolia relates how the loss of a race leads to the tragic parting of a boy and his horse. The result is the creation of the horsehead fiddle of the Mongolian shepherds.

Author: Yuzo Otsuka
Illustrator: Suekichi Akaba
Publisher: Penguin-Viking

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