Simon's Book

LeVar takes viewers into the studio of the author of Simon's Book, Henry Drescher, to find out how he came up with the idea for his book and to look at the original illustrations. LeVar then visits the printing plant to watch as a book is printed, pages are cut to size, and the book is bound.

Review books
Simon's Book Feature Book:

Simon's Book

Doodles come to "monstrous" life in this book, as Simon flees from a monster with the help of one of his drawing pens.

Author: Henrik Drescher
Illustrator: Henrik Drescher
Publisher: Lothrop



Review Books
What's Under My Bed?

What's Under My Bed?

When his grandchildren tell him that something scary is under their beds, Grandpa tells his two young houseguests a story about his own childhood when he was scared at bedtime. After discussing what really makes all the scary noises at night, the grandchildren are ready for a snack before going sleep.

Author: James Stevenson
Illustrator: James Stevenson
Publisher: Greenwillow

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Me and Neesie

Me and Neesie

Neesie is Janell's best friend, but because she is invisible, she often gets Janell into trouble – especially when Aunt Bea comes to visit Janell's family. The two friends do everything together, but when Janell begins attending school, Neesie wants to stay at home. One day, Janell can't find Neesie, and her mother comforts her while Janell remembers all the fun they had together.

Author: Eloise Greenfield
Illustrator: Moneta Barnett
Publisher: Harper Collins

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Begin at the Beginning

Begin at the Beginning

Sara gets stuck when she must paint a picture for the second grade art show. She wants to paint the best picture ever, but doesn't know where to start. Nobody's suggestions help, until Sara's mother explains that Sara and her neighborhood are part of the universe, just as much as the planet, the seasons, and the stars. Once Sara realizes this, she discovers the best place to begin a painting is at the beginning.

Author: Amy Schwartz
Illustrator: Amy Schwartz
Publisher: Harper Collins

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