The Tortoise and the Hare

LeVar faces a big challenge when he gets ready to compete against some of Hawaii's top bicyclists in a race. When he decides to tackle the tough obstacle course the Marines use in Hawaii. LeVar realizes that to be a "winner" means trying hard and doing your best. He also finds out more about "doing your best" when he visits the Japan International Karate Center and talks to the young karate students.

Review books
The Tortoise and the Hare Feature Book:

The Tortoise and the Hare

This time-honored classic is about a slow tortoise who wins the race over the fast hare.

Author: Janet Stevens
Illustrator: Janet Stevens
Publisher: Holiday House



Review Books
Albert the Running Bear's Exercise Book

Albert the Running Bear's Exercise Book

A friend convinces Albert he can become a better runner by doing additional exercises. Albert decides to try the suggestion, and the book outlines an exercise program for children with various levels of difficulty.

Author: Barbara Isenberg and Marjorie Jaffe
Illustrator: Diane de Groat
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin

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Hooray for Snail!

Hooray for Snail!

Slow Snail hits the ball so hard during a baseball game that it flies to the moon and back. Snail will still have to hurry, though, in order to win the ball game.

Author: John Stadler
Illustrator: John Stadler
Publisher: Harper Collins

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Sam Johnson and the Blue Ribbon Quilt

Sam Johnson and the Blue Ribbon Quilt

While mending the awning over the pig pen, Sam discovers that he enjoys sewing the various patches together but meets with scorn and ridicule when he asks his wife if he can join her quilting club. In response, Sam creates his own quilting club for men and both clubs enter the county-fair contest. The border designs used in this book are actual quilt patterns, each relating to the content of the page it is used on.

Author: Lisa Campbell Ernst
Illustrator: Lisa Campbell Ernst
Publisher: William Morrow

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