Watch the Stars Come Out

Viewers visit Ellis Island, the port of entry into America for millions of immigrants who came with hopes and dreams-and see footage of immigrants arriving. A.J. Annello, who works for the company that restored the Statue of Liberty, gives LeVar a tour and tells about why and how Lady Liberty has been restored.

Review books
Watch the Stars Come Out Feature Book:

Watch the Stars Come Out

A little girl and her brother bravely travel alone across the ocean to join their mama and papa in a strange new land called America.

Author: Riki Levinson
Illustrator: Diane Goode
Publisher: Penguin



Review Books
The Long Way to a New Land

The Long Way to a New Land

Carl Erik journeys with his family from Sweden to America during the famine of 1868. Carl and his family encounter hardships and new experiences as they, along with other Swedes and Europeans, emigrate from their homeland for the promise of a better life in America.

Author: Joan Sandin
Illustrator: Joan Sandin
Publisher: Harper Collins

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The Island of the Skog

The Island of the Skog

Adventurous mice find a new home, but are frightened by an unknown neighbor. They devise a plan to catch this monstrous creature, and discover it is only a skog who is just as frightened of them as they are of him. As a group, they decide to build a village and live together.

Author: Steven Kellogg
Illustrator: Steven Kellogg
Publisher: Penguin

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Molly's Pilgrim

Molly's Pilgrim

Told to make a doll like a Pilgrim for the Thanksgiving display at school, Molly's Jewish mother dresses the doll as she herself dressed before leaving Russia to seek religious freedom – much to Molly's embarrassment. But when she brings the doll to school, she realizes "it takes all kinds of Pilgrims to make a Thanksgiving."

Author: Barbara Cohen
Illustrator: Michael J. Deraney
Publisher: Bantam Doubleday Dell

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