The Life Cycle of the Honeybee

LeVar dons bee-proof clothing and investigates a beehive with a beekeeper. Viewers learn how honey is removed from the comb and readied for market, how bees pollinate flowers, how a new beehive is started and how important the queen bee is to a well-organized hive.

Review books
The Life Cycle of the Honeybee Feature Book:

The Life Cycle of the Honeybee

This book describes, in simple terms, the life cycle of the honeybee.

Author: Paula Z. Hogan
Illustrator: Geri K. Strigenz
Publisher: Raintree



Review Books
The Reason for a Flower

The Reason for a Flower

Describes the parts of a flower, the ways pollen is transferred by animals and insects, and the flowers' purpose of producing seeds of many types. The seeds are then followed as they grow into flowering plants. Herbivores and carnivores are also discussed, as well as unique and mysterious plants and plant products.

Author: Ruth Heller
Illustrator: Ruth Heller
Publisher: Penguin

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The Lady and the Spider

The Lady and the Spider

A spider who lives in a head of lettuce is saved when the lady who finds her puts her back into the garden instead of destroying her life.

Author: Faith McNulty
Illustrator: Bob Marstall
Publisher: Harper Collins

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Going Buggy! Jokes About Insects

Going Buggy! Jokes About Insects

Jokes and riddles centered on insects.

Author: Peter and Connie Roop
Illustrator: Joan Hanson
Publisher: Raintree

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