Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie

LeVar travels to the rock mid-cost of Maine for a tour of a modern-day lighthouse. He also takes a trip on a 100-foot Maine coastal schooner and joins an authentic sailing family for a day at sea. As a final highlight, viewers learn about the mystery of putting a ship in a bottle.

Review books
Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie Feature Book:

Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie

In the winter of 1856, a storm delays the lighthouse keeper's return to an island off the coast of Maine, and his daughter Abbie must keep the lights burning by herself.

Author: Peter and Connie Roop
Illustrator: Peter E. Hanson
Publisher: Lerner Publications



Review Books
Sailing With the Wind

Sailing With the Wind

A young girl discovers the ocean's majestic character when she joins her uncle on a day's sailing trip to the ocean and back.

Author: Thomas Locker
Illustrator: Thomas Locker
Publisher: Penguin

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Very Last First Time

Very Last First Time

Eva Padlyat lives in an Inuit village on Ungava Bay in northern Canada. In winter, when people want mussels to eat, they search along the bottom of the seabed. The time comes for Eva to lower herself into a hole in the ice and walk along the seabed below. This is the first time she has been alone on the bottom of the sea, and she accidentally stumbles. She must find her way back before the tide turns. When Eva's adventure ends, and she is safely above the ice, she realizes that it was the last very first time she will have to walk alone along the rock-strewn seabed.

Author: Jan Andrews
Illustrator: Lan Wallace
Publisher: Simon & Schuster

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The Little Red Lighthouse and The Great Gray Bridge

The Little Red Lighthouse and The Great Gray Bridge

A little lighthouse on the Hudson River regains its pride when it finds out that it is still useful and has an important job to do. Even though it is small, the little red lighthouse tucked below the George Washington Bridge is the Master of the River. The actual lighthouse is well known and visited by tourists from around the world.

Author: Hildegarde H. Swift
Illustrator: Lynd Ward
Publisher: Harcourt Brace

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