Best Friends

LeVar explores how seeing-eye dogs are trained to act as eyes for the blind and meet a young girl who has spent a year raising a dog that will be trained to help a visually impaired person

Review books
Best Friends Feature Book:

Best Friends

Katy feels lonely and afraid when her best friend goes away for the summer and leaves her alone. She finds a dog that becomes a best friend and learns about the live and care pets need.

Author:Jan Brett
Illustrator: Jan Brett
Publisher: Putnam



Review Books
The Story of Mrs. Lovewright and Purrless Her Cat

The Story of Mrs. Lovewright and Purrless Her Cat

Mrs. Lovewright is always feeling chilly, she is sure that a cat is just what she needs in order to be cozy when she sits before her fireplace in the evenings. But then she acquires a cat that has a mind of its own, a cat who will not, no matter what, be cozy with Mrs. Lovewright.

Author: Lore Segal
Illustrator: Paul O. Zelinsky
Publisher: Random House

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A Gift for Tia Rosa

A Gift for Tia Rosa

Little Carmela is close to her elderly neighbor and saddened by her illness and death, but she finds a way to express her love when Tía Rosa's grandchild is born. Tía Rosa was knitting a baby blanket for her new granddaughter and she taught Carmela how to knit. Carmela realizes that finishing the baby blanket for the new baby will be a gift for both the baby and Tía Rosa.

Author: Karen T. Taha
Illustrator: Dee deRosa.
Publisher: Bantam

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The Puppy Who Wanted a Boy

The Puppy Who Wanted a Boy

When Petey the puppy decides that he wants a boy for Christmas, he discovers that he must go out and find one on his own. He isn't very successful until one evening he happens across a home for boys and receives not one, but fifty boys for Christmas.

Author: Jane Thayer
Illustrator: Lisa McCue
Publisher: Morrow

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