Knots on a Counting Rope

In this episode, the emphasis is on courage and encouraging people to face the things that frighten them. LeVar faces a night alone in the wilderness, and overcomes doubt. Viewers will be inspired by an interview with Bree Walker, a news anchor who has overcome her disability of deformed hands and feet.

Review books
Knots on a Counting Rope Feature Book:

Knots on a Counting Rope

This is a Native American tale about Boy-Strength-of-Blue-Horses and his grandfather who reminisce about the boy's birth, his first horse, and his first horse race where he faces his greatest challenge--his blindness.

Author: Bill Martin, Jr. and John Archambault
Illustrator: Ted Rand
Publisher: Henry Holt



Review Books
Harriet's Recital

Harriet's Recital

Harriet loves her ballet class, but when Miss Betty announces a recital she suffers from extreme stage fright. She learns how to overcome her anxiety and dances successfully and proudly at her ballet recital.

Author: Nancy Carlson
Illustrator: Nancy Carlson
Publisher: Lerner Publications

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Let's Go Swimming with Mr. Sillypants

Let's Go Swimming with Mr. Sillypants

Mr. Sillypants lives by the ocean without knowing how to swim. One day he decides to sign up for swimming lessons, but then worries so much that he has a dream in which he turns into a fish.

Author: M. K. Brown
Illustrator: M. K. Brown
Publisher: Random House

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Owl Moon

Owl Moon

On a winter's night under a full moon, father and daughter trek into the woods to go owling. Wordlessly, the two companions hope to see the Great Horned Owl.

Author: Jane Yolen
Illustrator: John Schoenherr
Publisher: Putnam & Grosset

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