Sports Pages

LeVar takes a commercial airline flight. He finds out that airline employees do everything—from stocking up on meals and stowing luggage, to flying the plane and caring for the passengers. He has some fun flying a remote control model airplane and even piloting a real plane himself!

Review books
Sports Pages Feature Book:

Sports Pages

This feature book is filled with poems about the experiences and feelings of young athletes involved in various sports.

Author: Arnold Adoff
Illustrator: Steve Kuzma
Publisher: Harper Collins



Review Books
Miss Nelson has a Field Day

Miss Nelson has a Field Day

This feature book is filled with poems about the experiences and feelings of young athletes involved in various sports.

Author: Arnold Adoff
Illustrator: Steve Kuzma
Publisher: Harper Collins

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Making the Team

Making the Team

Though she plans to try out for cheerleading, Louanne Pig helps her friend Arnie try out for football. The results surprise them both when Louanne makes the football team and Arnie makes the cheerleading squad.

Author: Nancy Carlson
Illustrator: Nancy Carlson
Publisher: Lerner Publications

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Soccer Sam

Soccer Sam

Sam's cousin from Mexico comes for an extended visit and teaches Sam and all the second graders to play soccer.

Author: Jean Marzollo
Illustrator: Blanche Sims
Publisher: Random House

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