Jack, the Seal and the Sea

The feature book inspires LeVar to learn more about the preservation of our water and oceans. He joins ecologists on a Discovery Voyage in the San Francisco Bay where he learns about the variety of marine life and health of the bay. Viewers will also get a first-hand look at the clean-up effort after a disastrous oil spill in Alaska.

Review books
Jack, the Seal and the Sea Feature Book:

Jack, the Seal and the Sea

Jack spends his days sailing the sea and taking in nets full of half-dead fish, ignoring the polluted condition of the water. Then he finds an ailing seal and receives a message from the sea about its sorry state.

Author: Gerald Aschenbrenner
English Adaptation by: Joanne Fink
Illustrator: Gerald Aschenbrenner
Publisher: Silver Burdett Press



Review Books
Water: What It Is, What It Does

Water: What It Is, What It Does

Describes the properties and uses of water in a simple introduction. Also discusses how people and the environment interact with water. Includes five basic experiments.

Author: Judith S. Seixas
Illustrator: Tom Huffman
Publisher: William Morrow

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A Day in the Life of a Marine Biologist

A Day in the Life of a Marine Biologist

This story follows the work of a Marine Biologist.

Author: David Paige
Photos by: Roger Ruhlin
Publisher: Troll Associates

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Sterling: The Rescue of a Baby Harbor Seal

Sterling: The Rescue of a Baby Harbor Seal

Text and photographs tell the story of an abandoned Harbor seal pup who is rescued and cared for at the New England Aquarium until she is strong enough to return to her natural environment.

Author: Sandra Verrill White and Michael Filisky
Publisher: Random House

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