The Adventures of Taxi Dog

LeVar goes to the city to see the many ways people "hail" taxi cabs, and meets Lisa who uses a wheelchair and has a canine helper.

Review books
The Adventures of Taxi Dog Feature Book:

The Adventures of Taxi Dog

A stray dog in New York City is adopted by a taxi driver, with whom he rides and shares adventures each day.

Author: Debra and Sal Barracca
Illustrator: Mark Buehner
Publisher: Penguin



Review Books
I Want A Dog

I Want a Dog

When her parents say, "No," to a pet dog, May improvises by taking care of a rollerskate until all her friends are also practicing for their future pets.

Author: Dayal Kaur Khalsa
Illustrator: Dayal Kaur Khalsa
Publisher: Random House

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The First Dog

The First Dog

Kip and Paleowolf both face hunger and danger on their journey during Paleolithic times. Kip discovers that Paleowolf has keen senses which keep them both from danger. The caveboy and wolf decide to cooperate in order to keep the boy from danger and the wolf from going hungry. Their friendship creates the first emotional bond between a boy and his "dog."

Author: Jan Brett
Illustrator: Jan Brett
Publisher: Harcourt Brace

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Taxi: A Book of City Words

Taxi: A Book of City Words

Follow a taxi throughout the city during a workday and be introduced to "city" words as the taxi visits office buildings, museums, train stations, airports, and other busy places.

Author: Betsy and Giulio Maestro
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin

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Letter A Letter B Letter C Letter D Letter E Letter F Letter G Letter H Letter I Letter J Letter K Letter L Letter M Letter N Letter O Letter P Letter Q Letter R Letter S Letter T Letter U Letter V Letter W Letter X Letter Y Letter Z