Opt: An Illusionary Tale

Join LeVar as he introduces the audience to a talented trompe l'oeil painter who specializes in art that tricks the eye, shows how special effects are created for the camera, and teases viewers with samples of optical illusion camouflage found in nature.

Review books
Opt: An Illusionary Tale Feature Book:

Opt: An Illusionary Tale

This is a magical tale of optical illusions, in which objects seem to shift color and size while images appear and disappear.

Author: Arline and Joseph Baum
Illustrator: Arline and Joseph Baum
Publisher: Penguin-Viking



Review Books
Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek

Photographs present animals which have permanent or intermittent camouflage capabilities which aid in both preying and protecting.

Editor: Jennifer Coldrey and Karen Goldie-Morrison
Publisher: Putnam

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If At First You Do Not See

If At First You Do Not See

A caterpillar decides he wants to eat something other than leaves. His journey to find more interesting foods turns into a scary adventure before he becomes a beautiful butterfly. The reader needs to turn the book as she reads, as there is writing around the sides of the pages and some of the "hidden" pictures become more clear as the book is turned.

Author: Ruth Brown
Illustrator: Ruth Brown
Publisher: Henry Holt

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Lenses! Take a Closer Look

Lenses! Take a Closer Look

Learn how our eyes work and how different lenses can improve our vision. Magnifying glasses, telescopes, microscopes, and other lenses help us see things we cannot see on our own. Optical illusions, periscopes, and kaleidoscopes are also fun and interesting ways to reveal how our eyes work and how lenses can change our natural vision.

Author: Siegfried Aust
Illustrator: Helge Nyncke
Publisher: Lerner Publications

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