How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World

LeVar joins Chef Curtis Aikens in his kitchen, which is also his laboratory where he creates new recipes, to get some cooking tips from the chef. Curtis tells LeVar that when he was younger he hid the fact that he was not able to read. Finally at the age of 26, he asked for help to learn. Viewers also find out how chemistry is used every day at the Turkey Hill ice cream factory.

Review books
How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World Feature Book:

How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World

Since the market is closed, the cook travels around the world to gather the ingredients for making an apple pie.

Author: Marjorie Priceman
Illustrator: Marjorie Priceman
Publisher: Random House



Review Books
The Edible Pyramid: Good Eating Every Day

The Edible Pyramid: Good Eating Every Day

The Edible Pyramid Restaurant serves all kinds of delicious and nutritious meals. Using the United States Department of Agriculture's Food Guide Pyramid, customers see lots of examples from each food group and learn how many servings from the different food groups to have every day.

Author: Loreen Leedy
Illustrator: Loreen Leedy
Publisher: Holiday House

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The Kids Around the World Cookbook

The Kids Around the World Cookbook

Includes delicious, easy-to-make dishes from all over the world, including paella from Spain; pineapple ice cream from the Caribbean; and bobotie, a meat dish from southern Africa.

Author: Deri Robins
Illustrator: Charlotte Stowell
Publisher: Kingfisher

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What Food is This?

What Food is This?

Discusses, in question-and-answer format, eighteen different foods representing the four food groups and provides additional information on nutrition, healthy eating habits, and meal preparation with kids in mind.

Author: Rosmarie Hausherr
Illustrator: Rosmarie Hausherr
Publisher: Scholastic

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