LeVar talks about how the differences in cultures impact on this common food. A Hopi woman shows how she makes blue cornmeal bread, and we visit an East Indian restaurant where they bake bread in a tandoori oven.
Bread, Bread, BreadCelebrates the many different kinds of bread and how they may be enjoyed.
The Tortilla FactoryWorkers till the black soil and plant the seeds, which grow into plants. The corn is picked and dried and taken to the tortilla factory. Workers mix the corn flour into dough, which is baked into tortillas and delivered to homes in the area. The tortillas then feed the workers who till the black soil.
Walter the BakerThe Duke and Duchess love Walter the Baker's warm sweet rolls every morning. One morning, Walter's cat spills the milk and Walter has to use water to make his rolls. The Duke is very angry and orders Walter to be banished, unless he can invent a tasty roll through which the rising sun can shine three times.