Someplace Else

LeVar's "travel" room is filled with mementos of his many trips. He shares his memories of places where he's been, things he's done, and people he's met—a New York City rooftop garden, a man who raises homing pigeons, the seashore, a schooner sailing trip, a Hawaiian volcano, and a person who creates raku pottery.

Review books
Someplace Else Feature Book:

Someplace Else

Mrs. Tilby has decided that her life in a small town is not all she wants, so she sets off on a trip. After visiting many places -- including the city, the seashore, and the mountains -- she buys a camper so she can be "at home" wherever she is.

Author: Carol P. Saul
Illustrator: Barry Root
Publisher: Simon & Schuster



Review Books
Me on the Map

Me on the Map

A child describes how her room, her house, her town, her state, and her country become part of a map of her world.

Author: Joan Sweeney
Illustrator: Annette Cable
Publisher: Random House

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Town Mouse, Country Mouse

Town Mouse, Country Mouse

Two cousins, Town Mouse and Country Mouse, exchange visits and discover that the home comforts of one become the unexpected adventures of the other. Both discover that the country is the best place for Country Mouse and that the city suits Town Mouse best.

Author: Carol Jones
Illustrator: Carol Jones
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin

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Somewhere in the World Right Now

Somewhere in the World Right Now

In the process of showing how the time zone system works, text and illustrations describe what is happening in different places around the world at a particular time.

Author: Stacey Schuett
Illustrator: Stacey Schuett
Publisher: Random House

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