On The Day You Were Born

LeVar takes viewers on a delicate journey into a hospital maternity ward filled with newborns. A family preparing for a new member shares how they are getting ready for the baby, and, as the time arrives for the birth, we join the mother and father in the delivery room.

Review books

Abiyoyo Feature Book:

On The Day You Were Born

The feature book is a sensitive and tender book about the wonder of the birth of a child.

Author: Debra Frasier
Illustrator: Debra Frasier
Publisher: Harcourt Brace



Review Books
How You Were Born

How You Were Born

Text and photos explain how a baby is conceived, how it grows inside the mother's womb, and how it is born.

Author: Joanna Cole
Illustrator: Margaret Miller
Publisher: Morrow

 Hear More

One Round Moon And A Star For Me

A young boy of rural Lesotho needs reassurance that his father is still his papa. Too, when a new baby is born into the family.

Author: David Cox
Illustrator: David Cox
Publisher: Bodley Head

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Ayu and the Perfect Moon

A Teeny Tiny Baby

A baby describes the many activities he enjoys, both at home and out in the busy city.

Author: Amy Schwartz
Illustrator: Amy Schwartz
Publisher: Orchard Books

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