
As another workday begins, LeVar heads off to a busy breakfast spot and speculates on all the jobs there are to do. The episode explores a wide variety of jobs--ordinary and unusual--pieces of the puzzle that fit together to make up our world of work.

Review books
Worksong Feature Book:


This is a gentle rhyme of the working world and of people doing all kinds of work.

Author: Gary Paulsen
Illustrator: Ruth Wright Paulsen
Publisher: Harcourt Brace



Review Books


Photographs and brief text show people all over the world, from many cultures, working hard at a variety of jobs.

Author: Ann Morris
Illustrator: Ann Morris
Publisher: William Morrow

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I'm Going to Be a...

I'm Going to Be a...

Descriptions of professional are explained in this series of books.

Author: Edith Kunhardt
Illustrator: Edith Kunhardt
Publisher: Orchard Books

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A Day's Work

A Day's Work

When Francisco, a young Mexican American boy, tries to help his grandfather find work, he lies in order to impress a man who wants some gardening done. But the lie is soon discovered when the two workers pull out all the plants, and leave the weeds. As the two seek a way to correct the mistake, Francisco discovers that even though his grandfather cannot speak English, he has something even more valuable to teach Francisco.

Author: Eve Bunting
Illustrator: Ronald Himler
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin

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