My America: A Poetry Atlas of the United States

LeVar and a troupe of youngsters, who share their part of the USA, bring a map of the United States to life as this adventure explores America’s beauty and diversity. We visit Erica, age 12 who lives on the family ranch in Montana, and ten year-old Stephen who lives in New York City – showing how being a kid in America is as varied as the 50 states that form this country.

Review books
My America: A Poetry Atlas of the United States Feature Book:

My America: A Poetry Atlas of the United States

This geographical poetry collection includes poets' descriptions of every region of the United States.

Selected by: Lee Bennett Hopkins
Illustrator: Stephen Alcorn
Publisher: Simon & Schuster



Review Books
Celebrate the Fifty States

Celebrate the Fifty States

Short descriptions of each of the fifty states.

Author: Loreen Leedy
Illustrator: Loreen Leedy
Publisher: Holiday House

The Scrambled States of America

The Scrambled States of America

The states become bored with their positions on the map and decide to change places for a while. Also includes facts about the states.

Author: Laurie Keller
Illustrator: Laurie Keller
Publisher: Henry Holt

Tulip Sees America

Tulip Sees America

A boy and his dog, Tulip, take a journey across America and choose Oregon for their new home.

Author: Cynthia Rylant
Illustrator: Lisa Desimini
Publisher: Scholastic

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