Our Big Home: An Earht Poem

LeVar explores our global interdependence when he visits the United Nations, and then meets Craig Kielburger, the teenage founder of Kids Can Free The Children, a global youth group totally run by kids. We follow members of this youth organization on an extraordinary journey to the poorest section of Nicaragua where they build a school.


Review books

Our Big Home: An Earth Poem Feature Book:

Our Big Home: An Earth Poem

This book reveals a much larger concept of home – the earth, where we all share the same water, air, sun, soil, sky and more.

Author: Linda Glaser
Illustrator: Elisa Kleven
Publisher: Millbrook Press




Review Books
Whoever You Are

Whoever You Are

Despite the differences between people around the world, these are similarities that join us together, such as pain, joy, and love.

Author: Mem Fox
Illustrator: Leslie Staub
Publisher: Harcourt

Take Action! : A Guide to Active Citizenship

Take Action! : A Guide to Active Citizenship

This book is a practical social action guide for youngsters with suggestions for a wide range of activities from local projects to impacting national policy.

Author: Marc and Craig Kielburger
Publisher: John Wiley and Sons

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